Hi friends,

Anyone experiencing your dog scratching a lot? My Chloe just started this last month, it lasted a few days, then went away. Now it's back. We take her swimming at the beach, maybe salt water dries her skin?? She does not have fleas, I have combed & checked everywhere, often. I started giving her collodial oatmeal/aloe shampoo baths to heal her skin. Also, where she is red (no open areas) I put olive oil base with tea tree oil. I hope it's not a food allergy, from what I hear food allergies generally affect the feet and chin, etc. She's been scratching with her back legs on the middle sides of her body, thighs, and belly. I know, this can be so many things, but if someone has any great remedy for the time being I'd love to here what you might use. Thanks so much

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Comment by The Kalber Family on August 24, 2012 at 12:58pm

Chloe got over this, I'm sure it was flea dermatitis. She was fine after taking Comfortis. Now she has another problem I think it's yeast. I'm tempted to take her to a holistic vet today.

Comment by The Kalber Family on September 13, 2011 at 8:44am
I took Chloe to the vet, they put her on antibiotics Cephlexin or something like that in the event she has a secondary infection from the scratching. They did a test for mites and yeast, both were negative. I'm awaiting the ringworm fungal test-they have to grow it in the lab. She's also on Benadryl 1.5 tabs twice a day. Poor thing she's lost some weight & her stomach gets upset from the antibiotic. It's very frustrating. She's not scratching as much though, which is a good sign.
Comment by Samantha, Daxter and Seeka! on August 9, 2011 at 3:13pm
many "heeler" breeds can't take heartworm/ flea preventative. i'm not sure why, but when i first got Daxter my vet was hesitant to start him on these types of medications. She said a common saying is "White feet, don't treat!" you should ask your vet about this.
Comment by The Kalber Family on August 9, 2011 at 9:39am
OK, so this morning, after a night of relentless scratching, I checked Chloe again and found a FLEA! ONE flea. I just applied Frontline Plus Saturday night, & she hasn't gotten wet. This is really frustrating. I suppose a flea can jump on from outside & not die right away? I used to use Comfortis, but Chloe would fight me trying to have her take it & last time she got pretty sick & threw it all up.
Comment by Judith Andre on August 9, 2011 at 2:13am
See my comments under "health"
Comment by Samantha, Daxter and Seeka! on August 8, 2011 at 11:48am

Hi Kalber Family. Feel free to read through my blog posts from the last year and a half or so. I've been dealing with skin allergies with my little guy for about 2 years. I started out switching foods, then gradually started adding supplements and finally decided after months of nothing changing to get him allergy tested. He came back as allergic to a whole plethora of environmental things. He's been on his allergy shots for the last 3 months or so, and i have seen a bit of a difference in his scratching, though i'm not expecting to see a huge difference for quite a while. anywho, read through them if you want, but my advise would be to just go ahead and get her tested to better understand how to deal with the problem (i really wish i had done that first instead of blindly switching his food and adding supplements to "help" with the itching.......fyi, after better educating myself on canine nutrition, i've switched him and my other dog over to a raw diet, and i'm pretty sure that that's why he's been so healthy this allergy season, as opposed to last year.) If you have any further questions feel free to ask! Good luck!!!


Comment by Geri & Sidney on August 8, 2011 at 11:35am

Sidney used to have itchy skin, but now he seems fine. I feed him Natural Balance Alpha Dog (fish formula) and he gets a drizzle of avocado oil from Foxy Treats on his food. I know there are also skin/coat supplements that are a mix of oils and omega-3s you can buy at the pet store. Lots of people also use salmon oil, but I didn't have as much good luck with that. It takes a week or two for results to be seen. I like the avocado oil because it doesn't smell like fish, it's made locally by a "green" company and Sidney likes the taste. Good luck!



Comment by The Kalber Family on August 8, 2011 at 9:37am
Thanks for the advice. What type of oil do you think is best to put in her food? Sorry, I don't want to sound naive. :)
Comment by Sam Tsang on August 8, 2011 at 8:26am

Hi Kalber family, Chloe is over bathed. Hold off on the oatmeal / shampoo bath, a dip / rinse is fine. Not every dog can tolerate tea tree oil, so hold off on that for now until you get to the bottom of this. As far as food allergy concern, you will need to get tested, there is no point in switching, there's just too many variables.


Add a teaspoon of oil to Chloe's food, let her natural body oil work, try it for 2 weeks and see if there's any improvement, go get her tested for now. Good luck!

Comment by The Kalber Family on August 7, 2011 at 11:02pm
Oh yeah, with the people food it's almost impossible to figure out it she has an allergy to something, because there are so many different foods going on. :(

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