I live in northeastern Ohio and I'm sure everyone knows this as the snow belt. Well, I got news! I'm moving! lol I don't know where to yet but I'm sick of this. It is literally a blizzard outside right now and Copper thinks it is the most opportune time to go out and bite, eat and play with the snow. I tried to explain that he is not a baby polar bear, I am not a mama polar bear or an eskimo!

I also wanted to share this funny story to see if anyone else has corgi play like I do. My boyfriend gets up around 4am to get ready and go to work, so he is normally in bed by 9. Well lately, me and Cop have decided that we can no longer sit still for that long as I am a night owl and he is ready to play always! So the past couple nights we have had quiet play between 10p-12a. I try to keep him quiet and try to control myself by not laughing out loud at him because he is quite the character. So last night, I get down on the floor to cuddle him for a bit and he wants to play. I don't know about everyone else but he (like Pooh did) self entertains. He will run around like crazy, throw his toy for himself and the other day I was doing homework, he came over jumped towards the bed and whipped his toy at me. I thought "gee, not so subtle huh?" lol So he grabs his keys (my grandma bought him puppy teething keys that I thought was stupid at the time but turns out they are his favorite toy, go figure! lol) and brings them to me and wants to play. So we are playing then I grab his bunny and he wants that but is trying to figure out a way to get it without dropping the keys (typical kid). So then I'm moving my hand real slow to each toy and he is trying to prohibit me from getting to any of his toys. He did not want to share! So I'm trying not to laugh too hard because like me, dad (my bf) is not a happy camper when he gets woke up. Ok, understandable, I guess lol. So then he starts hoarding them and sitting on all he can cover so I can't get em and pouncing like a cat on my hand if I try to touch any of them. I grabbed them all and threw them apart and he was okay with this until he thought I was going to get them again. It was so cute how he was acting and I know it's not when actual children do this to siblings or other but it just goes to show that they are a lot smarter than most people think. Has anyone had issues of the not sharing kind? I think it's rather funny.

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Comment by Spartan on February 28, 2010 at 2:42am
I can say that Spartan only has one favorite toy he won't always give me, and that is his ball. The bigger it is the more obsessed he lol

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