My favorite time of the year, FALL!! All the fun holidays are quickly approaching :) The costumes for the kids are all picked out. My little boy is going to be a Dragon... partly because it was such a cute costume & partly because that's his nickname- Dragon! He tends to sound like a Dragon when he's congested... ANYWHO... since he's going to be a Dragon, I felt it fit for my little girl, Lola, to be a Princess (she already thinks she is anyway!). So instead of spending a bunch of $$$ on a costume, I'm borrowing a doggie shirt that says 'Princess' on it & made her a tutu! She's gonna look FABULOUS! I'll be sure to post pictures of the final product :)

Here's Lola in her homemade tutu!

The Princess Tank!

And a picture of what her brother's costume looks like!

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Comment by Sam Tsang on September 21, 2010 at 8:55am
thumbs up!

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