Just letting you all know that JD is home now! I picked him up today, he is still a lil sick but he is doing much better. He has to be on meds for around 6 months and have his blood checked every once and a wile, but other than that he is ok and gitting his appite back. Now comes the chore of fatting him up, lol. The Dr. said that any thing with protine in it but nothing high in calseiom. Any thoughts??

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Comment by Sheila Wiggins on December 1, 2009 at 9:06pm
one vet told me to give him boiled chicken, turkey, ground up hamburger or bamburger patties, peanut butter and scrambled eggs. i just didnt know if any one else had any other ideas on what i could give him
Comment by Beth on December 1, 2009 at 8:33pm
I'm sorry because somehow I missed your initial post, so I went back and read it. Poor JD! You must be thrilled to have him home.

I would check with the vet for diet recommendations. High protein but not high calcium should include lean meats like chicken, but with such a serious health issue personally I'd want guidance from the vet. Good luck!
Comment by Sam Tsang on December 1, 2009 at 8:22pm
That's great news!!! Give your vet a call to verify what he means by low calcium or food to avoid, I'm assuming he's wanting you to feed him human food? cause if it is just kibble, there isn't much you can do.
Comment by Jennifer Markley on December 1, 2009 at 7:12pm
I'm glad he's doing good!! Not sure on the diet...I'd ask the vet to give you some ideas on what would be good.

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