Foxy is limping! :O I don't know why.. I'm worried. I love him so much and I hate the idea of his little corgi foot in pain!

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Comment by Darcie Kinnison on March 13, 2012 at 4:52pm
He's... I think six or seven. When I got him i was in... Um... 2nd grade, I'm in 8th now, so he's six. I checked his feet, they seemed fine. I clipped his nails, just in case, he's a very heavy compact little guy. That seemed to help a little bit. He may have gotten in a fight with my other dog, because I know they do that all the time. He's better now, but he limps every once and a while, so you are probably right, a foot crap or a bitten foot. Thanks :D
Comment by Emily & Cooper on March 10, 2012 at 9:52am

How old is Foxy? Our chocolate lab got early arthritis in his back legs that caused him to limp and have trouble climbing the stairs. He was only five years old. We changed his food, helped him lose a little weight and fed him supplements with chondroitin and glucosamine for joint health. it worked like a charm and he hasn't limped in two years now. Probably isn't Foxy's problem, but we didn't think it was our Lab's problem either. It may be a possibility.

Comment by John Wolff on March 10, 2012 at 12:37am

Check the feet, then watch & wait.  Al exhibited a scary limp at the end of a long day on a long, remote backpacking trip once -- but it was just a cramp or something, it disappeared as mysteriously as it came.

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