We've had her almost 2 months now and Yumi still never ceases to make me laugh everyday with something new. She has really come a long way from the shy little pup I brought home! She's still a bit timid around people she doesn't know all that well, but a tummy rub usually brings her right around. ^^ Otherwise she is a complete and total spaz! She's always hopping, bouncing, and spinning around, doing everything she can to keep my attention focused on her and her alone. If I go into another room without her and close the door, she sits outside it pawing underneath and sighing every once in awhile really loudly. If I'm asleep and she has to go outside, she inches her way up to my face and bumps my chin with her nose, whining at me that she's gotta go. As soon as I crack an eye open to look at her she's up and on the floor, doing her "I gotta pee" dance at full speed! She loves her family and has a special eye for my fluffy cat, Kichiro. She muffles him every time she sees him, making his fur stick out in various directions. He doesn't mind though, he's a laid back kitty and takes it all in good fun. She's also the only dog that can get away with licking my 3 year old son, Ian, in the face. He giggles and laughs when she does it, but will walk away from any other dog that tries. When it's time for bed she waits til we settle in then hops up and finds her an empty spot at our feet. When my husband gos to work in the morning though, she curls up next to me, either against my back with her head flung back across my face or belly up in front of me so that I can scratch it when I wake up. I'm so happy we were able to make her a part of our family!!

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Comment by Jane Christensen on October 23, 2009 at 9:07am
Sounds like so much fun! I miss those days!
Comment by christy fry on October 23, 2009 at 3:41am
Yay for Yumi!

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