Lily Bart traveled over the Rainbow Bridge this morning at 8:20 a.m.
We had been slowly getting her accustomed to becoming an indoor fur baby by letting her in at night and playing outside during the day. Lily was doing so fantastic; never jumping off the bed, snuggling up next to me, not chewing on anything that was not hers, and hardly any accidents at all. As per her daily routine, I let her outside for her breakfast and play time. Unknown to me, someone had gotten into our backyard during the night (quite frightening in itself) and left the gate open. I know that the gate was closed because our girls had not been outside all day yesterday and Lily was still in the yard when we let her in last night.
I was getting ready this morning when I heard Lily start screaming outside. I thought she was in the backyard, but I was wrong. I ran to the front of the house and someone had hit Lily and drove off fast. My neighbor said she saw it happen and Lily tried to get to our yard but collapsed just off the curb. When I got to her, she was alive and saw me. Her little heart started beating rapidly and I could tell that she knew I was with her. I held her until my husband got home from taking our three daughters to school. Once he arrived, we took her to the vet, but it was too late. Lily died in my arms.
My husband and I took Lily to our new house in Arcadia, where we will be moving in a month. She is buried in a beautiful spot in the garden area, where I can sit by her and plant some pretty flowers for her to see from heaven.
Lily was my best friend who loved me unconditionally. She means the world to me and I miss her more than anything.
We are not sure when we will get another Corgi, but I know that there will never be another Lily Bart.
Please say a prayer for me, if you think about it. This is a very hard time. I graduate in less than a month and that stress alone had made me struggle. Losing Lily is the final straw for me.
Thank you so much to everyone here who has befriended me and Lily Bart. I will continue checking in on you all, and hopefully some day soon I will have another fur baby who I can introduce you all to.
Please remember to always make sure that your fur babies are safe and secure. It was a mistake that I will regret for the rest of my life.
Much love to everyone!

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Comment by Carmen on April 13, 2009 at 9:44pm
I am so sorry for your loss. Nothing can heal the hurt this causes. My Courtney is over the bridge welcoming Lily Bart. My heart and thoughts are with you.
Comment by Ginny and Diggory on April 13, 2009 at 9:11pm
My heart breaks for you. I am so sorry for your loss. Lily Bart was a beautiful girl and is gone far too soon. I'll say a prayer for your family and I hope that you can remember her fondly and all of the love she gave during her life.
Comment by Lucy Hicks on April 13, 2009 at 7:55pm
My heart and tears go out to you and your family. We too have a Lily Pad and she is the apple of my eye. Try not to be so hard on yourself - obviously she was and is well loved and brought great joy to your family. What a gift that she gave - Take care
Comment by Kristen on April 13, 2009 at 7:33pm
I am so sorry for your loss. I know the pain you fare feeling. It is so hard to lose the unconditional love these little ones give to us. Don't blame yourself...easy to say, and hard not to do. Remember the blessing that she has been to you. I'll keep you in my prayers. Don't be afraid to cry, but don't be afraid to smile with the wonderful memories either. Dogs teach us true love and a real understanding of sorrow. All the best. A warm hug and loving thoughts go your way.
Comment by momto3ltlgrlz on April 13, 2009 at 7:24pm
Thanks Carlie and Koby's mommy...
I am truly glad that Lily is not alone. Not that I want any fur baby to be gone, but I cannot have the world the way I want it, so alas, she has friends to play with. I miss her so much, especially right now as I am trying to write papers. I had just gotten accustomed to her sitting with her head on my lap as I typed them.
Comment by Stephanie & Lola on April 13, 2009 at 7:24pm
I am so very sorry for your loss :(
Comment by King Koby of the Treasure Coast on April 13, 2009 at 7:09pm
I know how you feel! Loosing your best friend is so hard! I think sometimes it's harder than loosing relatives! Your furry friend is always following you and they are just so appreciated! I am so sorry that the ******* didn't even stop!! What a jerk! There are so many rude people. I will pray that he has a change of heart and comes and apologizes! I truly am soooooo sorry! I will pray for you! I know what it's like to watch life leave your dog. I watched riley's eyes grow glossy as he died. It was so hard! I still cry when I think of him. He was like my son. Death is never peaceful it is so hard, but keep faith. Through these awful things it brings family together and don't be mad at god. I was for awhile but now I realize that death is a part of life and loosing Riley helped prepare me for when my grandma died a few months later. Time will heal and another dog really does help! But don't do it right away take your time.
Comment by Carlie on April 13, 2009 at 7:05pm
oh my goodness, i feel horrible for you and your family. please know that we will be thinking about you in this difficult time. Lily Bart is happily romping with my dear Hazel Nut who died this March of cancer. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Comment by momto3ltlgrlz on April 13, 2009 at 7:05pm
Thank you so much Geri.
I appreciate it!
Comment by Geri & Sidney on April 13, 2009 at 6:59pm
I am so, so very sorry. I'm crying right along with you. We lost our first family dog when she dug out from under the fence and a heartless cruel jerk hit her and drove away. One of my neighbors called me at work with the news and my boss kindly let me go home and retrieve her body. The hardest thing was telling my kids. My oldest was about 7 and the time and she was inconsolable. My prayers are with you, your husband and your little girls.

Please don't hold yourself responsible. It sounds like you were just like I am...I am SO obsessive about our gate, every time my son takes out the garbage I ask him if he double-checked the gate. It drives him crazy but it worries me so much. Sidney got out once and was hit, but it was a glancing blow: nevertheless, I'll never forget the cry he made when the car hit him, and the helplessness I felt watching him and the car on a collision course and knowing I could do nothing to stop it.

Please know I feel for you and wish you peace and healing. Lily Bart is playing with Peaches now and they are both free of pain. And one day we will see them again.

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