I have started to notice a problem with Lola's bed time habits. Now she sleeps in bed with me mainly because I have a big enough bed, love her company, and don't mind my own personal space heater at night. However, lately I have been waking up to a strange sensation every morning at about 5:45-6:00. Now, in my half asleep state I realize that Lola is wide awake shaking like crazy, like she's terrified of something. She shakes so hard, and so far I just can't get her to stop.
I'm worried that during the summer while we were going through living arrangement changes that she ended up getting a little traumatized. I spent some time staying at my father's house and one morning at about 6:00 the garbage truck stopped in the alley right outside our bedroom window. It was really loud and startled her terribly. So now I worry that she may be afraid that the sound may come back.
Normally I work about 40 hours a week and that often involves a night shift followed by a very early morning shift. So when I get a chance to sleep a couple extra hours I take it, but with Lola's shaking it wakes me up and keeps me up so I have no choice but to kick her out of bed for the last couple of hours. I really hate to do this because I know that she must just sit on the floor shaking by herself waiting for me to wake up. I want to find a way to correct or redirect this behavior so I can keep her with me all night!
Please help! We are both losing a lot of sleep over this!

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Comment by Lola and Paige on December 14, 2013 at 12:10am
I will keep everyone updated. So you can check out my discussion if that's easier. It's titled: Shaking in the wee hour.
Comment by Linda on December 13, 2013 at 11:45pm

It's a start.  Now they have a direction to go in to see if that's what is causing the episodes.   Please keep us posted on things.

Comment by Lola and Paige on December 13, 2013 at 11:26pm
Yes having at least a faint idea helps and give comfort even if it's only slightly. I also have started a discussion like you suggested Beth so I hope you can find it.
Comment by Beth on December 13, 2013 at 3:05pm
At least you have identified part of the problem! Hopefully you get some good answers as to "why" but at least now you have an action plan. Please let us know how it goes. (P.S. If you give an update, might it be possible to start a discussion on it? It is getting harder to get back to your original blog as it falls further and further down the history). :-)
Comment by Lola and Paige on December 13, 2013 at 10:11am
Just got back, Lola's blood glucose tested at 62, which is really low since it's supposed to be between 80-120. They suggested giving her more smaller meals a day to keep the sugar up and to keep some corn syrup on hand to rub on her gums when she goes into one of her episodes. It was a different vet today than before so he's going to consult with my normal vet to discuss a plan of action as to figure out why her sugar is getting so low. So we're keeping our fingers crossed but our heads held high! She is such a brave girl!
Comment by Lola and Paige on December 13, 2013 at 8:24am
Heading out for another vet appointment at 8:00! Will post the results!
Comment by Anna Morelli on December 11, 2013 at 11:42pm

If it's a thyroid deficiency it's very easily taken care of. 

Comment by Lola and Paige on December 11, 2013 at 10:35pm
Yeah it's just a twelve hour fast. I believe they are checking her thyroid. I didn't think it's congenital and think she may have gotten into something or her food just isn't cutting it. But I do hope it's not too serious.
Comment by Anna Morelli on December 11, 2013 at 4:08pm

I think it's a 12 hr. fast, so you can feed her at 7PM ( to allow a little extra leeway) and be at the Vet's by 8AM next day taking some kibble with you to give her there, after they have drawn the blood.  That way she will not have to be without food longer than needed.  Are they checking thyroid as well?

Comment by Linda on December 11, 2013 at 2:36pm

Lots of good thoughts that they can get to the bottom of whatever it is. Good luck fasting a corgi...mine would be barking at me all night.  Please keep us posted.

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