Lola and Paige's Blog (3)

Lots of shakes and not enough Z's

I have started to notice a problem with Lola's bed time habits. Now she sleeps in bed with me mainly because I have a big enough bed, love her company, and don't mind my own personal space heater at night. However, lately I have been waking up to a strange sensation every morning at about 5:45-6:00. Now, in my half asleep state I realize that Lola is wide awake shaking like crazy, like she's terrified of something. She shakes so hard, and so far I just can't get her to stop.

I'm worried… Continue

Added by Lola and Paige on December 7, 2013 at 10:50pm — 48 Comments

Wow! Time sure does fly!

I want to wish a Happy Birthday to Lola and also to all of her litter mates! These past 10 months went by so fast! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

Added by Lola and Paige on March 10, 2013 at 11:01am — 1 Comment

Chow Hound Without an Appetite

My Corgi Lola tends to act like a chow hound by making sure to eat all of her food in one sitting and even lick all of the crumbs out of the bowl.  However, this past week she has been barely touching her food, won't eat it all in one sitting, and spills her water all over the place.  Normally we can't do anything to get her away from her dish until everything is gone but now we can't seem to do anything to get her to go to her dish in the first place...  Since we live over an hour from the…


Added by Lola and Paige on February 26, 2013 at 11:33am — 17 Comments

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