My Corgi Lola tends to act like a chow hound by making sure to eat all of her food in one sitting and even lick all of the crumbs out of the bowl.  However, this past week she has been barely touching her food, won't eat it all in one sitting, and spills her water all over the place.  Normally we can't do anything to get her away from her dish until everything is gone but now we can't seem to do anything to get her to go to her dish in the first place...  Since we live over an hour from the vet it can be a little hard to get there on such short notice, especially in winter...  Could she be depressed?

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Comment by rosemary on March 1, 2013 at 3:35pm

Another thing that works well is to put a little boullian chicken or beef with some water in her food, my other dog likes that!

Comment by Jane Christensen on March 1, 2013 at 10:29am

Just keep it up:) I have no clue why this works but after spending alot of money for Bella and her "eating" problems with no luck...this worked!!!!!!! And is so much cheaper...I think Bella just got worse the more meds the vet gave her:(

Comment by Lola and Paige on March 1, 2013 at 10:09am

Just want to say that I did try adding water to Lola's food a couple of days ago and have been doing it for every meal and she has been eating ever since!  Thanks for all of the helpful advice!

Comment by Lola and Paige on February 27, 2013 at 4:35pm

Thanks Jane.  That does make a lot of sense if she has well, family members that tend to act the same way once in awhile.  For Lola's dinner I will try adding water to it to see if that helps in any way.  I was a little hesitant to bring her to the vet because she wasn't in a complete lethargic state.  She has been tending to go to bed and the whole food thing but she was still playing, and did still get into her frisky moods once in awhile.  I can't be sure as to how much water she has been drinking lately so I wouldn't doubt that is the reason that she hasn't been extremely fond or "excited" to eat if she still has some stuff in her belly. 

Lola has had the same dog food for the past few months (we were actually wondering if she had begun to get bored with it).  But I will add water to her dinner tonight and cross my fingers!

Comment by Jane Christensen on February 27, 2013 at 1:05pm

Beth, It just seems so strange to have so many non-food caring dogs...which is a good thing except that the others would gladly help them clean their bowls.  That's actually the only way I can assure that Sage has eaten and not given up her food to the scavengers. A year or so ago I went through a big deal with Bella NOT eating and xrays/drugs and finally took her off all the drugs and started the water she was fine. Also none of these 3 started as a pup this way but were at least a year or older when this began.

Comment by Beth on February 27, 2013 at 12:03pm
Jane, that's very good info that none of the rest of us would know! As I said in my earlier post, it does come to knowing your dogs. With my two now a loss of appetite is a big deal (when Madison was spayed, she would not sit up, or walk, and did not want to go potty but she DID want her dinner and ate with her legs splayed and head hanging). But other dogs go off their food at the drop of a hat.
Comment by Jane Christensen on February 27, 2013 at 11:22am

I would take her in if you feel you should BUT based on her genes...I can say that her big sis and mom skip meals and Sage will only eat in her crate with 1/2 cup warm water added. I have 3 Corgis that are not food driven and 2 are related to Lola...I would try adding 1/2 cup warm water to her food and see if this helps...that's what I do for 2 of mine and it works:) What I think happens with those two is they don't drink enough water and so their tummy feels yucky but adding the water gives them the moisture they need in their tummies. Sounds strange but it works. You haven't switched food lately?

Comment by Lola and Paige on February 27, 2013 at 10:56am

Thanks so much everyone! You really have given helpful advice, and I am most likely going to be taking her in soon here.  Yesterday I did check her mouth numerous times to be sure that I didn't miss anything and so far all of her teeth are intact and the roof and her tongue are still just as pink and normal as ever.  Her poopies are still the same as they always were and don't appear diarrheal at all.  Her pee is always a Mountain Dew color no matter how much she drinks.

Lola did eat her food today and was acting more like her old self so I'm hoping that this is a good sign.  But I did skip her dinner last night since she didn't finish breakfast til the afternoon.  So I don't know if I just got lucky this time. I'm gonna bring her in though just to be sure.

Comment by Beth on February 27, 2013 at 10:11am
Based on what you are saying, I'd take her in.
Comment by rosemary on February 27, 2013 at 1:42am

This would greatly concern me, as my corgi is also a chow hound and never forgets to eat her food and whatever else she can get.  Dogs withdraw when they don't feel well, often confused for depression.  Have you looked at her poo, is it normal colored and regular, maybe something is lodged in her stomach.  My corgi get bladder infections,many can get stones too, kidney issues often cause a lack of appetite and drinking as toxins build up inside, they would have to check her urine for crystals and stones. Corgi's are voracious eaters, often eating to the very end, a corgi who won't eat nor drink is most likely quite ill and needs a vet to treat the dog.  You don't want your pet to die, if no fluids in a day or two that unfortunately may happen, she's a small dog!

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