I have started to notice a problem with Lola's bed time habits. Now she sleeps in bed with me mainly because I have a big enough bed, love her company, and don't mind my own personal space heater at night. However, lately I have been waking up to a strange sensation every morning at about 5:45-6:00. Now, in my half asleep state I realize that Lola is wide awake shaking like crazy, like she's terrified of something. She shakes so hard, and so far I just can't get her to stop.
I'm worried that during the summer while we were going through living arrangement changes that she ended up getting a little traumatized. I spent some time staying at my father's house and one morning at about 6:00 the garbage truck stopped in the alley right outside our bedroom window. It was really loud and startled her terribly. So now I worry that she may be afraid that the sound may come back.
Normally I work about 40 hours a week and that often involves a night shift followed by a very early morning shift. So when I get a chance to sleep a couple extra hours I take it, but with Lola's shaking it wakes me up and keeps me up so I have no choice but to kick her out of bed for the last couple of hours. I really hate to do this because I know that she must just sit on the floor shaking by herself waiting for me to wake up. I want to find a way to correct or redirect this behavior so I can keep her with me all night!
Please help! We are both losing a lot of sleep over this!
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