I am looking for advice/tips for my aggressive 2.5 year old male corgi Ben. Our household doesn't have any cats or small children. I know that Ben loves to be around kids, and plays with my nephews who live next door. However they mostly play with their dog, and Ben watches from the porch. I'm sure that this is causing him to become frustrated, and jealous. Twice now he has gotten into fights with Odie (nephew's dog), we all go to great pains to keep them apart.

There is also a red heeler, who has established dominance over Ben, guessing by watching their body language. The red heeler is the only dog that I ever let Ben close to off leash, most of the time they get along great. Recently, they had a nasty fight, over who was getting more attention I'm assuming. 

Ben hasn't been neutered, the red heeler is the only dog that has been neutered out here on our family farm. I guess my question is Ben fighting due to being frustrated, or to be the top dog to mate? There seems to be some "trigger" to his fighting, I'm just not sure what it is.

Thanks for your help.

Kelly & Ben

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Comment by Bev Levy on December 13, 2012 at 7:59am

I would start by neutering him. Also, work on more obedience training so you have better control over him. Google Nothing In Life Is Free too. It has some great suggestions.

Comment by John Wolff on December 13, 2012 at 3:02am

same with Al.  I thought he was perfectly behaved until around 2yo when he started attacking the occasional larger (male?) dog unprovoked for no apparent reason.  He's never drawn blood -- which may mean he doesn't intend to -- but t sure looks nasty and he's gonna get clobbered if I let him do this.  So he's always on leash around other dogs.  I don't give him an opportunity to fail.  No idea why he does it. My beautiful little monster.

I wonder if he'd be OK with another dog if they were together enough to establish a pack order?

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