There are many signs I am getting to be a big girl my first month at Rose cottage. I am almost 3 months old today and Mum is letting me do stuff Lily gets to do more and more.

This week I got to sleep on the Big Bed with Mum and Daddy and Lily. It was just like back home when my sisters and brother and I cuddled up in a lump. I snuggled in, right away, between Mum and Daddy but Lily went to the end of the bed where she said there was more room to spread out. Mum & Daddy’s heartbeats thumped so loud! In the middle of the night, I decided to curl up next to Lily – her heartbeat reminds me more of my siblings -- but she crabbed at me to not crowd her so I went back to Mum and Daddy. Mum cooed and laughed in her sleep as I nuzzled against her neck. Daddy chuckled when I chewed on the hair on the back of his head, “I don’t have enough for you to chew!” he finally whispered and Mum pulled me back to her.

In the morning, when I go out on the screen porch to play with the leaves and twigs, I have so much fun that want to include Mum and Lily but they won’t come out to play. I jump on the door and Mum lets me in and a dash around the dining room in a whirlwind. Lily cannot move fast enough to catch me and she crabs, “stop it, stop it” as I go by. Mum laughs at me so I just run faster and grab at her shoes when I pass them. She squeals, “No!” when my teeth clamp around her toes but she is laughing so I keep going. She reaches down and tries to tickle my tummy as I sail by. It stops me a moment; I am so surprised. Now I jump, on all fours; up and down, yelling at the top of my lungs. Mum shakes her head, laughing, “You are a little goat! You are a devil child!” she says, “what am I to do with you!” and I keep jumping until Lily pounces on me and makes me stop. I still sass her back but I do stop and Mum picks me up and goes “Tsk, Tsk, Tsk . . .” into my neck. I especially love it when she cuddles me this way.

Mum brushed my teeth. The toothpaste taste goods and I try to suck it from the brush but Mum is moving too fast so I just gulp at it as she runs the brush up and down my teeth. She tells me what a good girl I am and then rubs my gums with a rubber thimble. That feels so good, but I am wanting more toothpaste so I wriggle until Mum can control the struggle no more and puts me down on the floor, laughing. I jump up – “No, no, Mummy – I want more!” I tell her but she just goes to the sink to wash up the brush and thimble.

This morning, finally, TOAST! I know the kitchen is the place to be when Mum is in there. Lily always comes in, licking her chops and watching Mum closely, yet staying out of her way. I am beginning to recognize the sounds of the cupboard door opening and the rustle of the bread bag. I know I must be quiet – Mum says people may think my song and dance for dinner might be a little rude. I cannot stand to sit as far away as Lily does – what if a bit of food drops off the counter? But I can be polite; I lay down close by the stove and watch Mum go back and forth. I can smell the aroma of bread turning into toast, then I hear the toaster pop up and both Lily and I spring to our feet even though it will take a moment for Mum to spread the butter and cut it into triangles.

In the dining room, Mum says we must “sit pretty” and I watch Lily sit down so I do the same. Mum eats for a bit, munching the centers to the crust. Then she breaks the crust in two pieces (a Lily sized one and a little one, no bigger than the tip of her finger, for me) and holds them down to us, a bit in each hand. Oh! It is SOOOOOOOOOO good! I want to jump up, I am so happy but Lily stays still so I do, too. Another little bit and another, until Mum says “All gone” and takes her plate into the kitchen.

It was definitely worth waiting for.

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Comment by Judi, Dawn, Soffie & Griffyn on November 8, 2010 at 11:07am
Oh Molly, you and Lily have such a good life!! Lucky lucky little Corgis!! : )
Comment by Betts on November 8, 2010 at 9:56am
Awwww. We have the same toast ritual, and "all gone" signals the end too. I love your stories.

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