Yesterday was a pretty good day. There was some leash pulling on our morning walk as they are doing construction on one side of a block we walk on and the trucks and noise freak Poppy out, so the walk is usually really quick. She cried and barked and whined way more then last Monday when I left, even though I did the same thing I always did, including putting Rescue Remedy in her food. The same thing happened after lunch too, which was a big disappointment. The evening went by as normal, nothing really too interesting to report.
I got a replacement Thundershirt in the mail (smaller size) and put it on Poppy while I was in the shower and put her in her crate with her kong and it was the most quiet she had ever been! I was so happy!!! But within 3 minutes of letting her out, as I was getting ready to put her leash on and get ready to go for our last walk of the day, she pee'd on the tarp I have down in her pen (she didn't go in her pen, but outside). I was soooooooooooo mad, of course and we quickly went outside. I don't know if it was because I had the Thundershirt on really tight (as you are supposed to) and since I got her out of it, she could breath better and pee'd. So next time, I am not going to take her out of the pen or crate and the shirt until I am exactly ready to put her leash on and we are leaving the apartment that moment and try it that way and see what happens. Sorry for TMI, but her poo at night was a little watery, which was a little weird, but I am going to chalk that up to her filling up on water during the day as we went for a long hike the day before and she hardly drank any water when we came home, but when I checked her bowl during the day and at night, most of it was gone, so I am assuming she drank a ton during the day. Which also does not help with the random pee'ing. So, we seem to be on a 7/8 day cycle of pee'ing inside. Lovely.
This morning was fine, but when I put the Thundershirt on her, left her in her pen with breakfast (sans Rescue Remedy), she screamed and barked her head off as she did yesterday while I waited in the hall for about 10 minutes. Even though I don't love the idea since I am gone for about 4-5 hours, I am going to leave her in her crate this afternoon, with the Shirt and see how she does. The last two days I have left her in her crate for only 30-45 min at a time while I get ready for bed, she has done really well, so we'll try it for longer periods now. Any tips or comments if this is a good idea or not?
I am getting some calming treats in the mail today and I can't wait to try those too, with working with the Thundershirt, not the Rescue Remedy. I don't want to "drug" her up too much. So, lots of things to try out and see what works best!
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