Okay Romeo and i were walking at cunningham park and decided to head home. On our way home a white cat that was hidding under the bushes attacked ROMEO! That stupid white cat scratch Romeo's nose. He has a big red scar near his nose. I am VERY PISS. I rang the bell where the white cat was. The lady said it was their neihbors cat. I rang thir bell. They did not open the door. I left a message telling them what happen and to call me asap. What do i do? I washed his scratch with water and soap. Do i sue them? Their white violent cat shouldn't be out like that. After the cat scratch Romeo that cat was coming closer to us when i took a few steps back. UGH

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Comment by Natalie, Lance &Tucker on October 4, 2009 at 5:02pm
Im sooo sorry your corgi got attacked by the cat. Im glad that the cat didnt do any further damage to Romeo. Lance got a scratch on his nose when he was a pup from my neighbors german shepard when the shepard put his paw through the fence. I was not happy either, no one likes to see their pups hurt. I was very worried that it would never go away, but nope, it went away just fine. Keep it clean and also put neosporin on it.
Comment by Sky and Lyla on October 4, 2009 at 4:58pm
You wouldn't be able to file any claims against them other than the cost of vet bills, and since you don't have any of those, there is no way you could get any money from them (at least from what I understand of small claims court, maybe someone else knows something different). Chances are the cat isn't violent so much as it was scared when it saw a dog and just reacted. Cats do that when they feel cornered. You can go back to that house or try to talk to them and tell them what happened, and they might decide to keep their cat inside, but probably not. Your best bet it probably to start taking a different street home. And you did the right thing by washing his scratch off. He'll be fine. Just keep an eye on it and as long as it doesn't start looking infected, there's nothing to worry about. I hope Romeo gets to feeling better!

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