I was waiting for supper to finish cooking last night, so I plopped down on the floor in the kitchen to wait out the oven (we have no kitchen table in our kitchen, only out in the dining room - so no chairs). Casey was laying in her usual spot at the edge of the kitchen (I have a very strict "no dog in kitchen while cooking" rule since I almost dropped a pot of boiling water on her and myself a while back when she decided to stretch out in the middle of the kitchen right behind where I was working).

I invited her in while I was sitting doing nothing, and she came over for some pets. Realizing that I had nearly 10 minute before dinner was done, I figured we could play a bit of fetch/tug while I was waiting. But I was feeling lazy, and didn't want to get up and walk over to her toy box in the living room to grab one of her designated tug/fetch toys (they're a bit longer and she's not allowed to have them when we're not playing together).

Casey always has a few toys/chew items in her bed area for her own amusement (yesterday she had a ball/rope, a weird plastic squeaker thing and a beef hoof).

So I looked at her and said "go get your rope toy" and pointed to the living room. I have NEVER given her this command before, or anything even remotely similar to it. Her toys are her toys, and they just sit for her to play with. I've never even referenced "rope toy" in a sentence.

She looked at me, and then headed straight into the living room to her bed. Now I was 100% confident that she was going to grab her beef hoof and bring it back, because I've encouraged an absolutely disgusting habit since she was a puppy of occasionally allowing her to sit in my lap and chew on the hoof (I know, I know - it's really gross. I only let her do it when my pants are already dirty and they go into the wash right afterwards, lol).

Much to my surprise, she comes trotting back with her rope toy in her mouth! And brings it straight over to me!

Apparently, she speaks English now.

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Comment by Alison Prasavath on October 5, 2010 at 9:50pm
My husband and I practiced with Noodles so that he would know the names of his toys. Some times he gets confused, but most of the time, if you ask him to go and find a certain toy, he will bring that toy back to you. Of course I love to show him off by asking him for a toy and having him bring it to me. Yes, corgi's are smart dogs.
Comment by Beth on October 5, 2010 at 8:50pm
It's funny what they pick up, isn't it? I imagine that to a dog we all sound like the grown-ups in Charlie Brown, and they just listen for a word they recognize! Jack knows lots of English words. Maddie does not seem to pick them up so quickly, but she's very in tune to recognizing patterns in our behavior that tip her off to what's going on (especially if it might involve food).
Comment by Lindsey Corkern on October 5, 2010 at 7:52pm
Wow! Corgis are smart, but its impressive to hear such a story! I am trying to train my dog to bring me specific toys on command. She does it with a few toys, but not any I've never explicitly named before! Eventually I'd like to train her to clean up her toys...we'll see how that goes, haha. Sounds like Casey is really intelligent and in tune with you. I hope Leia is like that one day too. Give Casey a treat for me! ;)

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