Lindsey Corkern
  • Female
  • Pearland, TX
  • United States
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Lindsey Corkern's Friends

  • Bartleby
  • Sara Williams
  • Cody
  • Rebecca Marie O'Bryan

Lindsey Corkern's Discussions

Corgi Play Etiquette

Started this discussion. Last reply by Brooke Busteed Jul 11, 2012. 8 Replies

Hi,I have been searching for another post on this topic, but have not found one.  My corgis play great together, but I am wondering a few things about their play etiquette.  I have a 2 yr old…Continue

Tags: multi-corgi, house, etiquette, sharing, toys

Excellent Cardigan Breeder

Started this discussion. Last reply by Sandy Stickney Aug 16, 2012. 3 Replies

Hi all,We recently brought home our second corgi puppy - a cardigan this time.  We were very pleased with the breeder we chose and highly recommend him to anyone looking for a cardigan - adults or…Continue

Broken Toe and Infection

Started this discussion. Last reply by Lindsey Corkern Mar 5, 2012. 5 Replies

Hi all,About a week and a half ago, my corgi Leia broke her toe playing.  We had it x-rayed and wrapped.  She did not lick the wrapping until day 3.  Since we were home during the week (my husband…Continue

Tags: infection, sore, open, toe, broken

Separated Toenail?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Sam Tsang May 20, 2011. 11 Replies

Hello, I was hoping for some advice from all of you who have heard of this or experienced it before.  My 1 year old Corgi, Leia, has a problem with her foot.  She and my husband played ball last…Continue

Tags: nail, toe, toenail, separated


Lindsey Corkern's Page

Profile Information

About Me:
I am a Kindergarten teacher. I got a corgi puppy in May 2010 - she was 8 weeks old. I found this site and it has helped me so much in the past few years! We brought home our new Cardigan puppy at the end of May 2012.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Leia (like the princess) was born 3/24/2010. Her father is a cardigan and her mother is a pembroke. The owner docked her tail before we got her, so I like to just say she's a pembroke. She has a very sweet disposition and is very obedient (for a puppy!) Leia is now 2 years old and is very intelligent, sweet, and controlling! She loves bossing everyone else around.

We brought Luke home at the end of May 2012. He was born 2/28/12. His personality is so different from Leia's. He'sa beautiful brindle and white Cardigan Corgi. Luke is lazy, permanently relaxed, and ready for a nap anytime! He is the opposite of Leia, but she loves him already. They get along great.

We joke that Leia is like me - loud and somewhat of a perfectionist and Luke is like Dustin - easy going, and quiet. The dogs add a lot to our family and help to keep things exciting and interesting.
I have:
Both Pembroke and Cardigan

Comment Wall (8 comments)

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At 12:08pm on March 27, 2011, Brent & Marilyn said…
Hey! its nice to meet other people in Pearland who have corgis.
At 9:20pm on December 2, 2010, Wendt Worth Corgi's said…

At 3:47pm on November 13, 2010, Cody gave Lindsey Corkern a gift
Have a great weekend!!
At 8:45pm on October 25, 2010, Lady Bug (Michelle) said…
So glad you could join us, hope to see you guys at a meetup!

At 4:09pm on October 09, 2010, WhiteDove gave Lindsey Corkern a gift
Have a great weekend. . . .
At 9:23pm on October 6, 2010, Lady Bug (Michelle) said…
Welcome! If you're interested in joining some Texas Groups...
Houston area Corgis (We love to meet up at local parks):

Corgis in Texas:

The Houston group is having a Halloween Costume Contest & Meet up the 23rd:
At 9:44pm on October 5, 2010, WhiteDove said…
At 8:30pm on October 3, 2010, Geri & Sidney said…
Welcome Lindsey and Leia! Aww, she sounds so sweet. It's clear that you adore her.

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