Technically, Luca is not my first puppy. I grew up with several dogs in and out of my life. We went through a couple of animal shelter dogs that had biting problems with my younger brother and one with chewing problems. We finally found a suitable dog for our family after a couple of years of searching. She was a red mini dachshund named Jasmine. A few years later after a move to the country, we got Ginger. She is a sheltie/lab/chow mix and she is the sweetest dog in the world. My family loves our pets and they live happy lives. After Jasmine passed in 2009 due to sickness, my mom got Molly. She is a black and tan mini weenie and she is the most precious little thing I've ever met. Her and Ginger are best friends. :] and they love my mom's cats Sasha and Gizmo too!


Now Luca is going to be MY first puppy. She's the first member of MY family. My wonderful fiance and best friend will be in Afghanistan until next thanksgiving and this puppy is our first baby. She is going to be the vent for all the love that I have and she will be my best friend while he is away.  I'm researching and learning all that I can before she comes home so I can be ready to give her the best life possible and so she can be the best companion for me. 


Finding this website has been the best thing for my preparation. I had no idea so many people loved corgis so much. I can't wait to find more Louisiana corgis to be friends with and maybe even East Texas corgis too! 

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Comment by Ace and Jen on January 12, 2011 at 4:04am
Thats awesome and I know Exactly what you mean by MY puppy!
That was me Last January~
See when i was 12 mom and the family sorta 'inherited' mom's clients dog when she grew to frail to take care of her. We Got Buffy then. now dont get me wrong I love Buffy to pieces but she is an old lady's dog... (im 24 so Buffy is 14 now) She likes older ladies so she is MOM's dog.. then my brother moved back in with us and brougth his pittbull with him.. i felt lonely since well Buffy was moms and Scrappy was my brothers.. I did some massive research and decided well Ill get my own puppy
Ace came to me on the 27th last January~ he is MY dog! no one elses <3
also WELCOME to <3 trust me this place is wonderful <3
Comment by Nikki and Luca on January 10, 2011 at 8:16pm
I definitely will :] I'm taking a photography class this semester. She will definitely be my subject for many projects :D and ya'll get to see my artwork!
Comment by Teresa Gilpin on January 10, 2011 at 6:42pm
Welcome to Nikki and Luca!  I know how exciting it is waiting to bring your new little one home!  You have found a great web site!  This is a great place to ask questions from people who know corgis.  Please post lots of pics and stories of your new baby!

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