Harley is growing up so fast!! He is a little bit over 4 months old. When we brought him home at 11 weeks, he weighed 8 lbs, and he now almost 12 lbs. I wish I would have measured his length, but it's obvious he is getting longer. He can now jump through the doggy door without assistance. We are still having house breaking issues, but I know we can't expect him to be reliable this young. He has occasional accidents, and he is slowly learning that he needs to tell us when he wants to go outside.

We have taken Harley to 5 puppy training classes at Petsmart (8 classes total), and he is doing fairly well (at least, compared to the other pups in the class). He excels at "puppy push-ups", which is doing a sit, down, and stand on command. He is okay in "come when called", but he is very easily distracted, and doesn't always come. Harley goes on daily walks, and he is still learning how to walk properly on a leash. Half the time he pulls like crazy and the other half we are having to drag him to keep up. It's not that he can't keep up with our walking pace, but he wants to sniff everything on the ground. We would let him sniff, but we don't have an hour to wait for him to sniff, and he always tries to pick things up, no matter what it is. I had to pull a wood chip out of his mouth the other day.

Harley will be getting fixed in the next month or two. We have until he is 8 months old to get him fixed (per our sales contract with our breeder), but we hear that it is best to get the surgery done before they mature sexually, which is around 5-6 months of age.

While it breaks my heart to see him get older, I love having a puppy. Our other dog was 13 months old when I adopted him, so I missed his puppyhood. We don't have kids and do not plan on having any, so it's been great to see Harley grow up.

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Comment by Erin & Faye on September 14, 2009 at 3:42pm
I know just how you feel. Faye will be 4 months in just a couple days! She lost her first tooth last night and I couldn't help but get emotional. It sounds like Faye and Harley are pretty similar as far as house training progress and walks. What we do for Faye on her walks is I keep a squeaky toy in my purse. When she gets distracted and starts lagging behind I will squeak it once and she will look up to me to find the toy. When she looks up I say her name then praise her for eye contact. She's getting better and now when I say her name she will sometimes give me eye contact and it will break her focus on distractions.

Good luck with Harley, he is super cute!

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