Harley had his second vet visit yesterday (since we bought him). He is now 14 weeks old, and was due for his last Parvo and Distemper shots. We had already suspected that Harley is prone to car sickness. He had never thrown up during the car ride, but a bit afterwards. We always feed him at 7 AM, and we leave for work at 7:30. My boyfriend, Evan, takes Harley to work with him 3 days a week, and Harley had once gotten sick a bit after they got to Evan's office.

Well, Harley got sick after getting to Evan's office yesterday morning. Evan took him to the vet for his shots around noon, and Harley threw up about an hour after getting back to the office. A couple hours later, Evan got him to eat about 1/6 of a cup of dry food, but he threw that up around 4:00. After that one, Evan called the vet's office and told them about Harley's vomiting, so they suggested we take him back in. After picking me up from work, we got half way to the vet's office, and Harley threw up again in his travel crate.

The vet thought that Harley's vomiting might have been a combination of the car rides and the vaccinations. Harley rides in the truck 3 times a week, and had never thrown up more than once in one day from it. She gave him a shot of an anti-inflammatory to help with any kind of reaction he may have had from the vaccines, plus she gave us a 3 day prescription of an anti-vomiting syrup, to be given 3 times a day. We have to measure it in a dropper and force it in his mouth. He doesn't like it much. He was able to hold down some rice mixed with a bit of wet puppy food last night, and held his food down today. We haven't fed him his regular dry food today, only rice and wet food.

Has your Corgi ever had a reaction to a vaccine or medication before? The tech at the vet's office said this isn't the first Corgi she has ever seen have a vaccine reaction.

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Comment by Nancy and Harley on August 21, 2009 at 2:04pm
Harley is doing just fine now. We are still feeding him rice and wet food, and he has had no vomiting since the vet gave him the anti inflammatory.
Comment by Cassie and Jaunty on August 20, 2009 at 10:55pm
I've had a dog that had adverse reactions to any vaccination. (An Ibizan Hound) He wouldn't eat and all he wanted to do was sleep, it lasted about a day and a half, then he was fine. So when Jaunty had his first vaccinations in his life this year, I was holding my breath. But he was fine. From what I understand quite a few dogs get sick from them. Talk to your Vet about titer tests next year, maybe it won't have to be a yearly ordeal for little Harley. Hope he feels better soon.
Comment by Jane Christensen on August 20, 2009 at 10:48pm
One of my pups that just left had a severe reaction and she had to get IV etc. I called my vet and wrote all the other new puppy owners with a FYI that one of their pups littermates had a severe reaction etc. and part of this was to purchase a bottle of baby or childrens benadryl...which I also keep on hand for if one of my dogs(Livvy) decides to eat a bee. I don't think this pup was throwing up and I had 2 that I gave 2nd shots...but I was scared as my thought was ok...what if this dog starts having a reaction on the way home ...I have no syringe to measure the dosage...all was fine and no others had reactions...my neice I believe has a dog that has to get 1/2 the vaccine at a time due to a reaction...now that you know this you and your vet can plan ahead...that's what these people did the 2nd time ...and did give the benadrl b/4 also BUT check with your vet as to the plan...poor pup hope he's feeling better!!!!

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