I know my little guy is teething, but what can I do to discourage the random "snapping?" I was talking to him, which he liked, but then he started just snapping the air. I usually try to shove his Nylabone Keys or one of his soft toys in his mouth (especially in between his teeth and my flesh! Ouch!)

Are ice cubes safe for an almost three month old puppy? I know it really helped our Jack, but I forget how old he was when we started letting him have them.

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Comment by Kimberlie on February 27, 2010 at 4:40pm
Adora just started teething to, a friend bought her a Chilly bone, it is a stuffed bone made of canvis, which you can soak in water and freeze, Adora just loves it. Her's was bought from Petsmart.
Comment by Ashley and Copper on February 27, 2010 at 2:31pm
The ice cubes worked well for Copper. I also gave him carrots which he loved and it kept him busy. Those nylabone keys seemed to be his favorite. I also found a Dental nylabone which can withstand the corgi jaws of life! lol It has layers so it's not like they can just chew it and be done with it. I think he likes it because it's like once he gets one layer off, SUPRISE! There's another layer lol I will give you a ling to what it looks like. I think they are like 3 dollars at wal-mart. This is the only bone I've ever found that either one of my corgis, didn't have down in a half hour. Ok well I couldn't find the link yet but I will keep looking!

He also loves this!!
Comment by Bev Levy on February 27, 2010 at 11:03am
I tied old pieces of towels, soaked them and froze them for teething. You have to be watching so they don't eat them but it seemed to help. Also you can put a little peanut butter in a kong and freeze it too. If you use smaller ice chips you should be OK.
Comment by Susan Temple on February 27, 2010 at 10:00am
Tulip did the jaw snapping thing too, it's very common. I never worried about it or tried to stop it. It went away once she got her adult teeth. If he is snapping AT you, then I would correct him with a tap on the head or shoulder. I never let my dogs get the last word in. But if he's snapping at the air, he's probably just teething. I think an ice cube at three months is to young. I had a cloth stuffed bone that you soak in water and freeze. She loved chewing on that and it helped her gums. You can get one at any large chain pet store. Good luck and enjoy your puppy!!

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