Dear Weeders

Dis is Daisy. I am Daisy. Daisy is ME!!!! I thought I should writes something my ownself instead of relying on Skeezix to get it down correctly. So dis is my first time using a typer thingie, but Skeezix sez it isn't so difficult as I would think, so here I am.

I am glad to weport dat Momma moved the big scary silver thing from in front of my ramp from the deck. Skeezix sez it iz called a twuck . . . whitch he sez is bigger than our kar. I sort of likes our kar. I gets to ride in it wif Momma an' we go to see our friend and vet Aunt Gail.

We haz also gone to Momma's gym where she lifts waits. I do not understand how you can wait and lift at the same time, but Skeezix sez it is something that Momma doez to grow her muscles bigger.

"Why would she wanna do dat?" I asked Skeez. An' he saids dat it is so dat she can carry more bigger bagz of dawg kibble and pailz of kitty's litter. Personally, I don't kare about da litter stuff az it iz in a pwace where we can't go. But the food thing iz important so I hopes dat Momma keeps on waiting an' lifting. I wonders what it iz dat she waits for? Maybe for the foods to be delivered to the foodz store? I will ruminate on dat and speckle-ate on it further later.

My eye iz doing pwetty good all thingies considered. Momma cleans it an puts dwops in it and artificial teerz, which I don't unnerstand what dat is. If it's tearz den how can it be artificial? If it's artificial den what iz it? Not tearz??? It makes no sense but it do make my eye feelz betters, whitch iz a good thingie. Momma sez dat she feelz bad when she has to doktor my eye, but I iz glad dat she loves me and does thingies for my wellbeing. I am not mad at her; I hopes she knows dat.

Today waz my Make Daisy Beautiful day. Whooooo dat was something dat's for sure. Momma said dat I hads tuffties coming out of my fur. I thought dat da Fwontline stuff was supposed to keep da bugs--whitch is what a tuffty iz, right?--out a my hairz. Well, no, the tuffties iz hairz dat I mades but dat don't wanna stick to me any more. Dey seem to likes Momma's black pants a lot. Whitch she sez she doesn't mind excep' dat her stoodents tellz her she haz hairz on her pants, an' Momma would rather not haves dem say dat. She sez dat it underminez her authority. I thought dat Authority were a fancy dawg food? If it gets undermined, doez dat mean der is a hole unner it an' we cans sneak it away wif out any one knowing we was taked it?

Well, so dat my hairz don't go out inna world riding on Momma, we hads a grooming session, first wif da brushes and den wif sommthin called a fur-min-ater. Why woulds anyone wanna eats fur? Well, ok, so katz do . . . but you knows what happenz when dey do? Dey hoop it back up and make terrible rackets. Well, dis fur-min-ater gots lots a my fuzzies out of me. An no kat frew up on me, so all in all, dear weeders, it was a good enuf experience. An' now I looks really slick and lovely, 'cept for the side dat Momma didn't do today.

I also got a paw-de-cure. Momma iz pruning de hairz on my feets so's I don't slippery on da floor. It seemz to work weeely well . . . so far. She dids Skeez's toe hairz wif a buzzy thingie dat I am puzzled abouts. Momma had me say hello to it but I dinnent hab to have it prune my toz this time.

Den along wif de tow hairz trim, Momma cutted my longer tow nailz. It dinnt hurted and I can walks better when dey are shorter. I has my thumb nailz . . . Momma sez "it just figgers dat da mill people woulds not take care of my dew clawz for me, specially wif me imprisoned in a cage--I could have gotten really hurted.

Well, I did get weally hurted a lot while I was held prizner at da mill, but not on my thumbz. It iz hard to clip my thumbnailz but Momma doz it so's it iz ok. Momma sez I iz a very patient an' loving girl. Dat makes me happy to hear.

I hear a thunder storm in da distance and I wanna get az close to Momma az possible, so I will cloze now. I hope you cans read my typering. I am getting the hang of it . . . maybe having thumbs iz not such a bad thingies az I had thought?

Daisy, that iz, Me!

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Comment by Lauren + Winston on May 16, 2009 at 12:42am
awww good to hear you're doing well daisy :) winston says hello!

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