Hi fellow corgi owners. I have a 6 yr old pembroke female who is currently running the entire household and has become very territorial with me. I also have 5 cats and at any time they try to get near me she chases and sometimes attacks them so they cannot get near me. She even gets upset when my husband gets near me. I don't know what to do. I don't want her to hurt one of the cats. Any advice? Thank you, Kelly

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Comment by Kelly on November 19, 2012 at 6:28pm
Thank you for the advice! I am very fortunate to find a place very close to where I live that offers obedience classes AND they have corgis and offer agility too! Step 1 check! Please keep the advice coming and I will update you the progress
Comment by Bev Levy on November 19, 2012 at 7:29am

Classes are a great idea but also google Nothing In Life Is Free and follow it. You have allowed your little "cutie" to take over (very easy with a smart corgi) and really need to help her learn that is not acceptable. You will all be so much happier!

Comment by Chris West on November 19, 2012 at 12:26am

Hi Kelly, have you taken her to obedience classes?  They don't just teach sit, down, etc, but are also a good way to help show your dog that you are the boss.  The instructors often have advice to help with behavioral issues as well.  Many places offer classes at local colleges or through 4H groups.  You could ask your vet if they know of any classes in your area.  It might also be beneficial if your husband took her through class too.  I have put Frosty through the same class 3 times now.  It provides us with bonding time, refreshes his listening skills, provides an opportunity for socialization and has helped with lots of specific issues I have had.

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