So, Odins tantrums haven't been getting any better. I have tried many of the things people have recommended to me and none are working. Sometimes it's because he doesn't get his way that he acts a certain way. But just by pikcing him up or touching him when he doesn't want to be he starts to growl and nit. Now he has been honestly trying to inflict pain. He will bite as hard as he can and wont let go of my hand. I'm not sure if this is just the breed but out of all the different dogs I have had and all the dogs my mother has had, we cannot remember ever having a puppy that acted so viciously. He is a puppy, I am not intimidated by him but when he bites he really means to hurt. I really need some good advice, I can't at the moment pay for a special trainer but I am working at a vets earning more money so that I mey be able to get him into training. I do have some bite marks from him where his teeth have really gotten me when he wouldn't let go. Sometimes I can understand why he gets upset but he is a whole lot more mean then sweet, he acts sweet maybe for a few minutes then the rest of the day he is constantly biting and throwing tantrums. I am doing my best to be consistant with him but nothing is working. I am attending college right now and working at a vet clinic and trying to deal with his tantrums, it very stressful for me. I try to be very positive with him, I'm calm and consistant. I give him the attention he needs. I love him, so I would like to do the best I can for him. Thank you for any adivce you can give me.

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Comment by Avery on August 23, 2010 at 11:57pm
It sounds like he is very strong willed and wants things to go his way. Thats good that he is not food aggressive but sounds like he is acting dominant over you. I am not an advocate of rolling a puppy over and pinning them down as I think this can scare them. But for very strong willed dogs, they tend to be smart and independent, you have to be VERY firm and consistent. So if he starts to bite you and you leave him alone, he gets his way and learns this is an ok behavior. I would correct him with a very firm NO. With some dogs, the cower with the very word of No, and others, you have to practically shout it. If he looks at you, hold his nose and look him in the eyes. Hold it for a few seconds and then try to pet him or pick him up. Use a lot of praise when he doesn't bite or do bad behavior. Constantly praise him but when he bites, say NO. Another thing that is really helpful in establishing you as the leader is training him early in sit, down, stay, shake, etc. You can use treats to train him and this helps him to listen to you to establish you are leader, not him. Also, make sure he will let you touch his ears, feet, and teeth. Touch them constantly, as you will need to trim nails, brush teeth and clean ears. Once you get a better hold on the situation, make sure to expose him to all kinds of things you don't want him to be afraid of in the future. An afraid dog can bite. So, get some kids that you know will be very nice and have them give him treats. Expose him to as many things as you can when he is little. I hope this helps. Good luck!
Comment by Alaina, Dyer and Odin on August 23, 2010 at 11:44pm
I've tried the "ow", I have tried many things. It's not when he is playing that he acts like this, just picking him up or petting him when he does'nt want to be he will bite and snarl and work himself into a frenzy. He does his warning growling,snarling and then he bites and wont let go, its not playful puppy nipping, he is really biting. There is only me and my mom, no one would tease him. We have ALOT of chewies, but that isn't what brings his aggressive behavior out. He doesn't act that way if I take a chewy away or put my hand near him when he eats. Just when I try to get him to stop doing something, pick him up, pet him and just general things. We have had many different breeds of puppys over the years and none have ever acted this way, I know puppies have their nipping and such but this is definatly different. He is 11 weeks old, I have had him since he was 9 weeks (give or take). I do put him in his crate when he starts to go too far but even after he has been in there he goes back to acting the same way. I've done it for 10 min to even an hour.
Comment by Jane Christensen on August 23, 2010 at 11:30pm
How old is Odin now? Have you tried a low voice "OWE" and turn away? Every time he bites and then he gets no attention for a negative action. I have trouble believing that he bites to hurt someplace I think he may have learned that it's acceptable? Even basic obedience may help. Also have you tried replacing any items he may want to bite with a chewy toy he can bite? This may mean that you have to have several around to put in his mouth instead of your hand. I am sure you are trying hard and this must be frustrating. Could anyone in your household be teasing him??? I don't know if you live alone so I thought I'd ask. maybe he will have to go in a crate when he bites but if a crate is a good think for him than you'd have to find a different option. Good luck!

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