Nemo is chasing "herding" the cats around all the time

The only time Nemo isn't chasing the cats is if I have his attention, he is in his crate, eating a meal, or the cats are up high (in which case he stares at them and barks). Any ideas on how to help this habit dwindle?

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Comment by Monica, Orion, and Laika on July 28, 2010 at 12:48pm
I find a difference between herding cats and chasing cats. Orion and Laika do not try to herd the adult cats in my house, they herd the foster kittens. Like they kind of round them up together and sometimes shoo them back into their room. This, I allow, because the kittens enjoy the company of the dogs and do not bolt but I have five adult cats and chasing is BIG no-no. I only have one adult cat that will stick around the dogs (and one that will hang out with the dogs if food is involved, haha) and when she's done with them she'll swat them in the face and get on a chair and they know to leave her alone, the other four will run. Orion and Laika know the "leave it" command and I find it works very well on the cats. I reserve a low voice for disciplining commands like "leave it!" and "no!" and the combination of the command and the low mad voice makes them follow it very well. If Nemo knows "leave it!" try using that on the cat chasing, and if he doesn't stop when you say to leave it, discipline in whatever way you do in your household (we scruff and flip them on their backs until they've settled down). Orion and Laika hate getting flipped because they know it means they've been bad and they usually apologize by licking my face once they're allowed back up and this helped me a lot with the disciplining process. Laika and Orion rarely chase the cats now and when they start to and I give a "leave it!" they'll stop dead in their tracks.

Good luck and always remember to have a delicious treat and lots of praise ready for when he does listen and stops chasing
Comment by Amber Rich on July 28, 2010 at 10:58am
I agree he should not be doing it. I stop it everytime...but no matter how long I hold his leash or take him in a different room from the cats, the second he sees the cats he runs after them...I just was hoping for some tips that might help. I guess for now I will just continue to stop him when I see it. Thanks!
Comment by Lynne Cerny on July 28, 2010 at 10:35am
I agree with Beth! We're the boss on who they are allowed to "herd" or not!!
Comment by Bev Levy on July 28, 2010 at 8:21am
I do not allow cat chasing! If the corgi doesn't stop when I tell them to I leash the offender an they walk around the house with me. If a cat gets too much of a look from the offender a tug on the leash with a firm no puts a stop to it. Once they get better on leash, they drag a leash around awhile so I can quickly put a stop to a chase. My cats will occasionally start a chase and that I do allow. If the game is not mutually enjoyable it doesn't seem fair to allow it. Cats can quickly become over stressed and start marking in the house! They should not be afraid to live in their own house. I live with 3 dogs and 2 rescued cats and they all get along fine.
Comment by Ray Cronin on July 28, 2010 at 7:58am
That's what corgis are born to do.

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