Hi, My puppy Rocky is 4 months old & my vet keeps saying that 6months is a good time to neuter him. We are not sure if we want to have him neutered. We have had one female & one male corgi that have been spayed & neutered and one male that was not. The female we did not want to have puppies so we chose to have her spayed. The male that was neutered had only one testicle so vet said it was a potential health issue later on. The other male was not neutered & he lived a long healthy life. How many of you have neutered/spayed your corgis, Why or why not?

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Comment by Jane Christensen on December 21, 2009 at 12:02am
I have 5 corgis. I have 2 spayed females, the 1st one I was going to breed but realized after I got her she would not be a good dog to breed as she has a lot of anxiety issues. The second female is my rescue and I will always spay a rescue. My other 2 females I breed and then my stud Wynn is my intact male! He is the best dog in the world but it is hard when I have a female in season as I only breed them 1 time per year.I have no problems with him being an intact male. I believe I will spay my females when I no longer want to breed them as this is much easier than having them intact.

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