Well, My name is Cody! it has now been two months since my mom adopted me. I am soooo happy! I was a puppy mill dog who had not been taken care of very well. The conditions weren't great. My ears were messed up and so was one of my eyes. They thought I might be blind--sooo not! My fur was so matted and you couldn't really tell what my colors were because I was so dirty.

My foster Mom, Jan, was so good to me. She had two other dogs--a big one that I had to get used to and another corgi who was really old but really fun. She taught me how to have fun! Then I went to a class every Friday where I got to meet other people who always had treats for me and other little dogs. I had so much fun! That is where I met my new Mom! She took me home and wow!

I have three beds!! Two at my house (one is really big and the other is nice and cozy) and one at Gram's (another big one). I also have a blanky and lots of toys. My favorite is Hedgie the Hedge Hog. I also have Duck and Squeaky and lots of chew toys. At Gram's I have a whole stash of other toys as well.

I stayed in a kennel at first and cried a lot when Mom was gone (the neighbors could hear me), but them Mom decided to put me behind a gate! I hated that thing, I wanted to be where the action was and not in that little room. She tried a 3 footer, but I jumped that one with ease! The 4 footer was a little higher but just as easy. Now that five footer fence was a bear to get over, but I got my toes around the poles and just pulled myself up and over. Went into the living room and wanted to look out at the squirrels and birds in the yard. UH OH the curtains came down around me!! Oh well, I went over and curled up on the couch, nice and cozy while I wait on Mom.

Mom and I walk every day and sometimes twice a day. I love to walk. I also love to go in the yard. I have deer and raccoons, squirrels and birds that visit the yard regularly! One day I just might catch that squirrel! Almost did that second day I was home!

The second week I got to go on a trip with Mom to Gram's. Got to meet all the family that time! I have lots of family that love me and want to play with me!! Of course they live in another town, but hey, I love to travel! Mom puts me in a harness for short trips and big trips I take my kennel with me. Then I can spread out! It's a pretty big kennel.

Two weeks ago I got to go to the dog park!!! Wow, so many dogs! Some big ones dashed by me and whoosh into the pools they went. They were crazy! I growled at a couple because they almost knocked me down. Now I go to the park regularly and I have met lots of big and little dogs. the big ones are dopey, but if they come to me nicely then I will tolerate them. I mostly just pee on every tree and weed, but I like to watch all the dogs and the people. Mom tries to get me to play, but I just like to walk around and every once in awhile will run. She says I will play soon as soon as I figure out how to chase a ball. Til then, I like the park and just walking around. Next week I get to go to Gram's and my aunt is going to watch me while Mom does work down state.

I am going to try and do this blog thing every once in awhile. Not sure who will read it, but it is fun just telling the story!

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Comment by Kathryn Graham on August 14, 2009 at 3:35pm
Way to go Cody! I think you've landed in a great place for happiness and love and good care.
Comment by Jane Christensen on August 14, 2009 at 3:34pm
I'm so glad you got a forever home with a nice mom who loves you!
Comment by christy fry on August 14, 2009 at 2:01pm
what a happy story!! I love that your boy has settled so nicely, I don't live anywhere near the puppymill belt as its called (i'm in the northwest) but I hear pups can be tramatized for life from those places =( thank heavens for wonderfull people such as yourself =)
Comment by Amanda & Tuck on August 14, 2009 at 1:29pm
Congratulations on your new corgi boy! Sounds like he is really enjoying his new home :) Cute story. Crazy that he can get over a 5' gate!! There is a forum post about corgi's being like cats - that is certainly catlike!!
Comment by Becky S on August 14, 2009 at 1:16pm
It was a lot of fun reading your story too. Gald you found such a wonderful home

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