Hello everyone! Well this is it. Tomorrow we get our new Corgi puppy gets to come home with us. We are both so excited and can not wait to shower our puppy with lots of love and affection. We are both really excited and can not wait to get him home and get him acclimated to his new home. So are there any tips for things to do with our new puppy for the ride home? I know that Steph and I have to run to walmart to get at least some of the basic essentials to get our corgi comfortable for his first night. All of the months and months of preperation all come down to tomorrow with getting our new puppy. There will be lots of pictures that will be taken and posted as soon as we have the chance to. So now its just sitting and waiting for the anxious reunion that will be coming sometime tomorrow. Both Steph and I are as giddy as little school children as this is going to be our first puppy together. So as the time goes by it is time to keep my mind occupied to make the time go faster. I guess looking at more Corgi pictures and videos will help. We will keep you guys informed.

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Comment by Geri & Sidney on November 6, 2008 at 2:54pm
LOL, recall (come) is a huge problem in our house too! Something about corgis...

Congratulations to you, Erich & Stephanie. Can't wait to see the pictures.
Comment by Laura Jones on November 6, 2008 at 2:14pm
YAY! and Congratulations. I know just how you feel, we just got word this week that our second corgi was born and will be here around Christmas and I am already trying to think of all of his Christmas presents that he will need. And what to get for his big sister so that she doesn't feel left out. From my experience with KC lots of chew toys, and LOTS OF TREATS are a must. I have had a hard time finding treats that she likes (she has decided on the canine carryouts, which are really soft and can broken up easily). Everyone I talked to said use lots of treats along with positive reinforcement when training. And boy can I tell the difference with my little genius. She knows exactly when I have something that she likes or if I don't and it makes a huge diffference with getting her to do the commands I ask her too. Come is a huge problem in our house, hopefully you will not have to deal with that. Good luck and I can't wait to see the pictures.

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