I want to donate money for Goro, and I see that his PayPal account is up and running from other posts (siro_wan@yahoo.co.jp). I've never done PayPal before and I don't know how! I thought would just click on this link, which is posted several places, and it would take me to a site where I could make a donation via a credit card. That's not what happens. First it opens my Windows Live email and then creates a message with Sirowan's email), but that's all I see. I was going to make a nice donation today for him, but got stuck at this point. Any feedback on how to do this would be greatly appreciated! I really want to help this precious corgi! I've posted this message on the MyCorgi Facebook site and CorgiPals as well.

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Comment by Cheryl Boiko on February 24, 2013 at 8:12pm

Thanks folks. I was able to give to Goro - twice! I had to set up a PayPal account, then I was able to make a donation with a credit card. I donated last Sunday and today too. I so want this little guy to get well!

Comment by Charles & Shira Majors on February 17, 2013 at 7:59pm

Hi Cheryl - the link Ludi posted is right and will take you straight to paypal. Thanks for publicizing too - we donated this weekend and are trying to keep spreading the word on so that Goro can get the help he needs :)

Comment by Ludi on February 17, 2013 at 4:57pm

Hey Cheryl,

When you click on an e-mail address on the net, what usually ends up happening is that your PC will think you are trying to send an e-mail to that person. That's why it opens up your Windows Live, and starts a message form for you. :-)

In order to send Goro a donation through PayPal, visit the site: https://www.paypal.com/webapps/mpp/send-money-online. This will take you directly to the PayPal "Send Money to a Friend" page. There is an infographic with instructions on there that will tell you how to proceed. :-)

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