i got romeo last week. I am potty trainning him, but what is the best method to train him fast. I live with my parents, and i got romeo as a birthday present from my boyfriend. My parent loves ROMEO but not when he pees or poop everywhere BUT the wee wee pad. He pees at the wee wee pad hardly ever. No matter how much i say no, 5 min later he pees there again.. Today my mom said to spray clorox becuz one of her friend has a dog. And she told her that they hate the smell of clorox so they won't pee there. Is tat even true? SOMEONE PLEASEEE HELP MEE..

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Comment by Rachel & Romeo on July 14, 2009 at 2:52pm
thank you..
Comment by Sam Tsang on July 14, 2009 at 2:34pm
The fastest way is in the FAQ, crate train and your dog will be accident free in 9 months - 1 year, their kidneys and bladder will be fully developed and able to hold for a long time. Bleach is not a good idea, it smells, bad for your lungs and discolor your carpet. My all time favorite is hydrogen peroxide, always keep 6 bottles at home.
Comment by Jessica and Zero on July 14, 2009 at 12:43pm
White vinegar and water mixed together in a spray bottle gets rid of the pee smell so the puppy doesn't go in the same spot more than once, at least in my experience.
Comment by Nicole, Stanley and STELLA! on July 14, 2009 at 11:49am
Yeah, if you click on the FAQ at the top of the page there's the basics. Here's a thread on the 2009 puppies group about a housebreaking problem, too: http://mycorgi.com/group/2009puppies/forum/topics/potty-training-4
I usually just click on "view all discussions" on the different groups and pages, or sometimes I do a search (though the searches don't always bring up what you're looking for). The 2009 puppies group is good to join if you haven't done so yet.

As for my personal experience with house training, I have had Stella in a play pen (not her crate, a kid's play pen) in the kitchen for a while and I'm slowly letting her roam more of the house. I have her there not only for potty training, but to slowly socialize her with my roommate's dog. But I think that it really helped her with training to not have the run of the house (puppies shouldn't have the run of the house anyway). So if Romeo is currently free, you might want to consider the pen, and in a place like the kitchen where it is easier to clean up and he's less likely to go. And just take him out every couple of hours to get him used to the idea of going outside.

I'm not sure about the clorox thing, but it doesn't seem like a good idea, especially long term---only a quick fix at best. Also, I'm not sure about the pads. Some people use them, but I think that some dogs can get "addicted" to them--it happened to my mom's dogs. I would just keep taking him out and use the pad as back up. Anyway, that's just my experience so far. The FAQ housebreaking 101 and the link in 2009 puppies has a lot of helpful information and other people's experiences. Good luck!

Comment by Beth on July 14, 2009 at 10:12am
There is a great guide to housebreaking on the FAQ. You might want to start there, then come back with any specific questions not addressed there? Not at all trying to be rude, it's just quite a common question. Good luck! :-)

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