On another list someone was alerting the readers that she's seen pumpkin on the shelves and even some special for dogs in the dog food section.

What's the deal? Do dogs like Pumpkin? I'm a new dog owner and the people things my Tasha likes most are scrambled eggs and vegetables. "or anything on MY plate", says my hubby, aka G

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Comment by Carole and Sophie on October 20, 2010 at 10:12am
I have had Sophie on a weight reduction program. I began adding pumpkin to her food and not only does she seem to love it but it is helping her loose weight!
Comment by LouAnne Sassone & Tasha on October 19, 2010 at 8:59pm
Thanks all for your comments. Learn something new everyday. My lifestyle has changed drastically since I became a corgi-owner and I've learned a lot!
Comment by Monica, Orion, and Laika on October 19, 2010 at 8:35pm
My dogs enjoy pumpkin. I keep a can around because feeding cats and dogs canned pumpkin (just pumpkin, no flavor additives or anything like pumpkin pie mix stuff) can help with both diarrhea and constipation :)
My sister-in-law's mother's schnauzer was always having diarrhea problems (she has a sensitive stomach and has been checked for parasites, etc. and is clean) and I told her about this and now she feeds her pumpkin whenever she's having poop-problems and it helps. We also use it on our foster kittens when they have diarrhea and they scarf it right up!
I don't give my dogs or cats pumpkin on a regular basis (they do get carrots almost every day though) but its a good thing to keep around just in case
Comment by Judi, Dawn, Soffie & Griffyn on October 19, 2010 at 8:11pm
Soffie & Griffyn LOVE it! We fill their kongs with it and then freeze them. But.... you need to be sure it's just plain pumpkin, no spices etc.... it's a great treat and very low calorie. And.... it's starting to show up on the grocery store shelves again!!! Yay!!!
Comment by Teresa Gilpin on October 19, 2010 at 7:47pm
My princess was a little prone to runny stools. So I started including a spoonful of pumpkin at meal time. It has made a huge difference. Now her stools look very normal. She and her brother both love pumpkin, they think it is a great treat. (It is also low in calories).
Comment by Nancy Geddes on October 19, 2010 at 7:42pm
Tasha, Bear and Linus adore pure pumpkin and so does my 17 year old Scottish Fold cat! I buy lots of cans so that we have it throughout the winter. But, yes, small quantities and in a balanced diet. I also love my soft pumpkin cookies.....
Comment by Susan Stanton on October 19, 2010 at 7:21pm
Actually, and oddly, a little pumpkin can work for BOTH diarrhea and constipation -- but as Beth says, small amounts. But be sure to use plain pumpkin, not the spiced up filler for pies.
Comment by Beth on October 19, 2010 at 7:19pm
Because of the type of fiber in pumpkin (and many other plant-based foods), it helps regulate stool. It can firm up a dog with loose stools and loosen up a dog with constipation.

Most dogs love it, plus it is low-calorie compared to dog food so a couple tablespoons can be added for Corgis who are watching their waistlines (and which Corgis aren't?)

However, it's very high in vitamin A, so personally I don't feed it all the time. I rotate it out with other things like green beans, scrambled eggs, yogurt and cottage cheese.

The reason people are posting that they are seeing it is because last year (2009), most of the pumpkin harvest was ruined and it could not be found for a long time. Now the new harvest is in and it's returned to the shelves.
Comment by Natalie, Lance &Tucker on October 19, 2010 at 7:06pm
Pumpkin, did u say Pumpkin...woof....where..where.. lol. Yes, Lance loves pumpkin!!!! Pure canned pumpkin, not the pumpkin pie mix though.

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