Last night Optimus finally came home with us! He is so adorable and fluffy and cuddle, and just a real sweetheart. He loves giving kisses and little play bites. He seems partially house trained already, which is a huge relief. He'll sniff around a lot and whine a bit when he's ready to go out (if we don't realize in time though, he'll pee on the carpet :p). Anyways, after we take him out to go potty he like romping around outside. One of his favorite things he's found so far are pine cones. I'm just curious, should I allow him to chew on these or should I take them away as soon as he picks them up?

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Comment by Cam on February 1, 2009 at 4:47pm
Leon loves pinecones too, has since he was a baby. I assume it must've felt good when he was teething and the taste for them probably grew from there. When we're out walking and he finds one that's suitable (he's very picky with them) he'll pick it up, carry it all the way home, and sit patiently by the door to get in. We call them his 'treasures' and it seems like he thinks it's his job to get it home safe. And as soon as he gets them in the door, snacking begins. :) Other than the giant mess of pinecone that gets scattered around, I haven't noticed any problems with him eating them.

I think it's really all up to what the parent of the dog feels is best for them. And if there are problems with this, I would love to know, though having lots of pinecone-producing trees in my parents yard, I don't think I could stop him from the pinecone-nom if I wanted to.
Comment by Alice on February 1, 2009 at 2:36pm
I've found that Finnigan likes Pine Cones as well. When we go for a walk he will pick up a pine cone and carry it the entire time. I make him leave it before we go back inside but I don't mind him carrying it around. he actually behaves a little better when he's carrying one. maybe he feels like he has a job then. As far as chewing it goes, I don't think I would let him eat it. I'm not sure what that would do.

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