I'm new to the mycorgi site but not to corgis.

However! We have a new corgi pup (10 weeks old). Our last corgi died at 10 years, so I'm a bit out of practice with the ears.

At what age should I see his ears starting to stand up? Is it required that I tape them? I don't remember taping our old corgi's ears, but I am wondering if I need to tape our pup's ears.

Any advice would be helpful.

Cathy and Blue

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Comment by Alice on August 4, 2009 at 8:38pm
We felt the same way, we wanted them up since that' part of what we love about Corgis but had Finn's ears staid down, we still would have kept him. His breeder offered to take him back when our vet told us his hips are bad and I told him not a chance, he's our boy, bad hips or not. His parents' hips are good so there's really no way of knowing and we don't blame the breeder and certainly love Finnigan just the same. Finn's half brother (same Dad) has one floppy ear and I think it's cute.

Good luck with the taping! I'm sure his ears will go up. It may take him 2 or 3 taping sessions to get used to the process. :)
Comment by Cathy Coffman on August 4, 2009 at 2:23pm
Thanks for all the responses. We are going to buy some tape tonight (imagine--a house with no masking tape) and try the taping method described by our breeder in a handout. We'll see--if they stand up, great, if they don't we're still keeping him!!
Comment by Derek on August 4, 2009 at 8:49am
I got Miranda at 4 months, and her ears were not up. I don't know if the breeder tried to tape them, she does not fit her breed standard because she has long hair, her back is not flat. By 4 months I figured she was never going to have up ears and I was right. We never bothered taping them, and I think she is cute the way she is. Some corgi's just don't have the ears. I am not sure why.
Comment by Nicole, Stanley and STELLA! on August 4, 2009 at 12:13am
When I first went to pick out Stella when she was a little over 6 weeks old one of her ears was already up. After I brought her home, the other one went up at around 10 weeks. I actually found this site googling about ears because I was worried that the other wouldn't go up. I read on several posts that they usually go up anywhere from 12-14 weeks. I also read that mixing cottage cheese in with her food (for extra calcium) would help. I did that, but I'm not sure if that's what helped it go up or if it would've just gone up naturally. After reading up on it, I had planned on taping Stella's other ear if it didn't start going up at 14 weeks. Hope this helps!
Comment by Alice on August 4, 2009 at 12:10am

Congrat's on the blue merle Cardi! What a good choice! We have one as well. They're lots of work and lots of fun. :)

We had to tape Finnigan's ears. If they are not up by 14 wks you should start taping unless of course you don't care whether or not they stand in which case you can leave them be. We did want Finn's ears up so at 14 weeks when his ears were only showing slight lift at the base, we began taping. I used the wide masking tape and would leave it on for a day or two just depending on how quickly Finn would mess up the tape. If the positioning was off due to him rolling around or shaking his head we'd remove the tape, wait a couple days, then start again. I think we only taped 4 or 5 times before his ears were up. They'd stand a little taller each time. I think his ears were officially up by 18 wks. When taping, make sure to put the ears in the position they should be in which means avoiding rolling or creasing the ear. Try giving him some cottage cheese once a day as well. The added calcium will help with the ear cartilage. Let me know if you have any other questions. Our boy is 10 months old so everything is still pretty fresh in my mind. :)

Here's Finn with tape on:

Comment by Beth on August 3, 2009 at 10:33pm
By the way, I love blue merle dogs, and one day when I win the lottery and have endless time to spend training a dog, I want a blue merle Aussie Shepherd.
Comment by Beth on August 3, 2009 at 10:32pm
I have a Pem, not a Cardi, but we brought Jack home at 10 weeks, and his ears were down. The breeder said to tape them. She said most of the time they go up on their own, but not always, and by the time you realize they are not going up it's too late.

And since Cardis have even bigger ears than Pems, I would say tape 'em. Jack had huge rabbity ears and they kept wilting in the heat.

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