Im just gonna vent lol
nothing bad or anything
Dont get me wrong.. Ace is my WORLD :) but i want him to have a little brother or sister he can play with.. i feel guilty leaving him at home when i go to School (not so much with work since i only do that rarely now because management apparently hates me and doesnt put me on the schedule but thats another story) I mean usually he is home with my mom but she naps the majority of the time so i know he is bored and then there is the every other tuesdays when mom isnt home and he is left at home for 6-7 hours.. i mean he has buffy but she is old and doesnt want to play.. and i saw how much fun he had when i spent the night at my sis in laws house and he played with Scrappy.. i mean he is a happy guy i just feel he is bored when im not home for 6 hours every tuesday and thursday.. lol i guess this is what its like to be a parent.. 
But i want a puppy XD; i miss the new puppy smell and the puppy noises and it just seems like Ace grew up way to fast..
Im thinking another Corgi or a Chinese Crested.. lol i know most people find them hideous.. but im weird and i like WEIRD.. lol XD and honestly Cresteds have always been a major want for me.. they are small dogs and they are just... weird XD <3 i love them..
Im trying to stick to smaller dogs though i LOVE medium to large dogs.. ok you got me i love ALL dogs.. i honestly havent found one tha i dont find cute LOL
but ya.. im trying to stick to the small range of dogs.. lol im thinking another Corgi would be best.. but there is still that HUGE want for a Crested :P
but i think i will steer away fromt he Cresteds for right now until i can for sure afford one.. they are more costly then a Corgi due to them actually needing Clothes and stuff since they have that nekkid body LOL
and its fun to see people go OMG CORGI when i walk down the street lol..
on the Corgi Front.. Ace is doing some At home re-training again.. trying to work out that naughty streak of his when in public LOL

still searching for classes to take him to that are close and not pocket draining LOL.. the ones locally want a down payment of a leg or arm LOL

ok.. well i have a night class to go to in 4 hours so im going to go run ace until he drops XD <3 *most likely will play 'Rawr'/Chase or fetch  

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