We brought Wicket home about 10 days ago, my family is first time pet owners so I just wanted to write down how things are progressing and hope to get some advice and opionions on what other people think so far.
She is about 10 weeks old, has learned how to sit, stay is improving, fetch, and come(most of the time). She usually tires out around 9pm, I take her out around 12:30am for her potty break, and sleeps again until around 6am.
Some issues we've had; had a food guarding issues the other day, but that has since been corrected, and she loves to try and jump on my kids evertime they come into the room, which makes them sad because all they want to do is pet her. I think she still tries to test to see who is the dominant one in the family still, and boy does she have a lot of energy, around what age do most Corgis start setting down?
Any advice or opinions would be greatly apprciated by this family of first time dog owners.

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Comment by John Wolff on October 3, 2012 at 1:14pm

I would be very methodical and organized about training.  Start and keep a logbook/calendar.  Make your goals, plan your work, work your plan.  Keep track of progress.

Make a vocabulary list off all commands you want puppy to master.  Then make sure everybody in the family is on the same page and with the program.  Make sure everybody is using exactly the same words/commands, and understands criteria for success and reward procedure.  Make sure you all understand that you are rally training yourselves; if you get it right, the dog will follow.

Puppy classes.

Use tiny, tiny training treats.  Get a dedicated doggie fanny pack for tools and poop bags.  Get a tight, tough, screw-cap bottle (a prescription pill bottle works) for treats, keep it in the fanny pack.

We had success with the "Emergency Recall" ("Really Reliable Recall") idea (search, discussed on this site) without too much effort.

Do not let puppy form the endearing but eventually unacceptable habit of jumping up on people.  Use "OFF!" command, give plenty love with all 4 paws on floor.


Search "food bags kill" on MyCorgi.  This could save your dog's life.  Babyproof the house for dog hazards, esp. snack food bags, lock up garbage, make sure kids & visitors understand this is life-or-death.  Watch your guests, who might put food or food bags in accessible wastebaskets.

See the collar FAQ; I like our modified martingales. 

http://www.luckypet.com/          I'd get a simple rivet-on tag (won't rattle) with only my phone numbers on it.

If you microchip, verify the chip whenever you visit the vet.  Gwynnie's gave no signal!  We'd been counting on a failed chip for years.  They can fall out.

Corgis start settling down after about 12 years I think;  dunno, we're not there yet.  :)

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