Mowgli is a approximately 18 mos to 2 years of age.  He came to his Lakeshore Pembroke Welsh Corgi foster home in the fall of 2010.  He was turned over to the rescue because he was diagnosed with Addison's disease.  His previous owners were afraid through lack of knowledge that his treatment and maintenance for Addison's would be more expensive then they could afford.  The expensive part is done which is the regulating process.  Now Mowgli receives  prednisone once a day and once a month, a injection to keep him stable.  Mowgli is housebroken, good with children and other dogs as well as familiar with livestock.  He is a happy dog and very healthy as long as he is on his medicine.  His treatments now aren't very costly and a adoptive parent could apply for medical assistance through Corgi Aid.  The proceeds from Mowgli's adoption go directly to Lakeshore Pemroke Welsh Corgi Rescue.  Contact my cousin, Rob Kean at 317-442-8395 for more information. 

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Comment by Sharon&Gemma on May 29, 2011 at 7:48pm
Mowgli God bless you and love to you. Hope you find a forever home soon. Love, Gemma&Sharon
Comment by Cindi & Twinkie on January 18, 2011 at 5:45am
I am praying for this sweet boy.  I know its not much but it might help.

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