Rusty was our first corgi. He was born in April 1999, and we adopted him in November of that year. He and I bonded extremely tightly right from the start. He was an extremely sweet boy and went everywhere with me that I was allowed to take a dog. Most of our relatives live several states away, and he loved to travel with us to visit.
When he was 7 1/2 something went horribly wrong with his back. The vets never did figure out exactly what happened, but Rusty lost the use of his back legs and control of his bowels and bladder -- his bladder wouldn't empty on its own, and his bowels just emptied without warning.
We thought we were going to lose him then, but he wasn't in any pain, so we decided to see if we could make it work. After a while I figured out some logistics for taking care of his needs -- and he was unbelievably cooperative about it -- so that we were able to have him with us for another six years. He learned to scoot around the house, pulling with his front legs, and we got him a wheelchair for outside. When the poop was ready to come out, we just picked it up, cleaned up the spot and went on with life. Poor Rusty was the one upset about that situation. He'd learned so well in the first seven years of his life that one doesn't poop in the house, that it always embarrassed him that he couldn't stop it from happening anymore. And I figured out a way to keep a sanitary wrap on him (even though he didn't leak, scooting would have caused abrasions and UTIs), and I learned to express his bladder and did it twice a day for the rest of his life.
We were even closer after that. I literally wasn't separated from him for more than 12 or 13 hours for the last six years of his life because that was the limit of his bladder, and he wouldn't let anyone but me express him. Everybody who knew me knew that if you wanted me there for any length of time, you had to agree to allow Rusty along. He even went on a couple of field trips I chaperoned for the school where I work. He loved those -- there's nothing like having dozens of drama students gushing about how cute you are and asking to pet you to make a corgi's day!
Rusty passed away last September of cancer. I still miss him more than I can say. People talk about having soulmates; I consider Rusty to have been my soulpet.
My parents have a lift for my mother; I thought it would make getting Rusty up the stairs to the bedrooms easier.
Reading just how much you loved Rusty and still do, has me in tears. Rusty was a very lucky boy! Thank you for sharing your journey with us and for sharing about Rusty as well.
I am sorry for your loss. Your story and commitment to Rusty was both beautiful and touching. Thank you for sharing.
Sounds like Rusty was your "Heart dog" wonderful for both of you. I lost my heart dog last August. It is so hard to watch them decline but you did all that could be done to make his life happy and you should feel very good about that. Eventually your memories will be of the happy times. Corgi hugs!
How lucky Rusty was to have come into your life and how lucky were you to have him in your life. You are a special person and he was a special dog. I am so sorry for your loss.
I am fortunate to still have my soulmate corgi with me.
I understand doing what needs to be done. I had a mutt with bad arthritis in his back end, he could control his urine but not his bowel movements...they just happened. So we covered furniture and cleaned up, he was ashamed of himself because he knew he wasn't suppose to do that inside. It broke my heart. We kept him with a lot of love for 2 years after it started until the time came when he was in constant pain and then we gave him peace.
Love truly makes the world go 'round and your story is an inspiration.
What a touching testimony of love, dedication, and compassion. BLESSINGS.
Your story starts out rather sad, but you sure did pick up the pieces and make it work. You are an angel of the first order for all you did for Rusty! Bless you for taking such great care of him. You two really did have a very special relationship.
Netta- What a wonderful life you gave him!! Many people would not have done what you beautifies the bond you have. I am so sorry for your loss...I too mourn a soul mate, but I could empathize with multiple aspects of your tribute. To have such a love between two beings is something VERY special. :-)
What a beautiful boy!
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