My husband wants to know why I keep crying over my sweet Angel Kazi. He said he was JUST an animal. Well Kazi was my Furbaby ! I miss him MORE than anything . Tomorrow morning it will be 3 weeks since he went to the Rainbow Bridge. My husband " said all you do is cry,cry cry..wa wa wa" ! It is bad enough that I miss Kazi so much but now the comment has hurt me even more :( Can it get any harder ?

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Comment by Tauna and Kota on May 9, 2010 at 5:46am
I'm so sorry you are having such a hard time, especially since your husband is giving you a hard time on top of your sadness. I can only say that I feel for your loss and you will be in my thoughts. I know how hard it is to lose a furbaby. Take as much time as you need to grieve over Kazi. Maybe you could tell your husband that you are sorry that he doesn't understand how much Kazi meant to you and you need a bit of time to grieve over Kazi and that it would be greatly appreciated if he could allow you that time. I too have lost furbabies and it does take time to heal. Hugs from Me and Kota.

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