There is a rather long scar running down the center of my chest. It is a reminder of the heart surgery I had two years ago. Amazingly, I remember little of the surgery or the pain involved afterward, or during recovery. It's a reminder, but the negative aspects have faded. Instead, I remember that my life was saved; I remember the excellent care of doctors and nurses, the love of family and friends. I also have several small scars from gall bladder surgery last year. Though much less critical than heart surgery, they are scars nonetheless. They also remind me of how much better I felt when I had recovered.

There are scars on my heart which only I can see--scars left by the loss of my beloved Stinky Wink.  Like the surgery scars, they will always be there. Like the surgery scars, they will heal and become reminders of positive things, not negative. Like the surgery scars, they will remind me that where there was once pain, there is now healing. And that's what scars should be--not reminders of pain, but evidence of healing. I am beginning to remember only the happy times. That doesn't mean there will be no more tears and no more sense of loss. It just means that the tears and sense of loss will be tempered by the beautiful memories of a beautiful heart--a heart that touched mine and left a healing scar when it was gone. I love you Winker, my besses puppo!

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Comment by Priscilla, CARLY, and Frankie on February 27, 2012 at 3:43pm

What a beautiful way to describe a painful loss,,,im crying to at the thought of losing one so dear :(

Comment by Jennifer Markley on February 27, 2012 at 2:36pm

I am glad that you are starting to see the good times, and that your heart is healing.  It will always hurt, but less and less.  It is heart-wrenching to see you hurting so badly, as I think we can all sympathize with your pain, but it is touching that you let us follow your journey.  It is a good reminder to never take our loved ones for granted.

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