This acutally happend a couple of weeks ago but I have been busy and haven't gotten around to sharing.   I was sitting here one morning trying to get myself motivated to get off the computer and the couch where I was hiding out with my cold and I recieve a phone call from the school.  "one of your dogs is here at the school, can you come get it?" I look around and I have three corgis and an aussie all spread out on various pieces of furniture and the floor.  "Nope not mine must be my sister-in-laws, call her, her number is......"  I just thought it was so funny that I live in a small enough town that they know I have corgis, well me and my brother.  There is one other family that has cardis. 

Tallula, my niece dog, has made a couple of visits to the school to have recess with the kids.  She only lives a couple of blocks from the school, where as mine live about 4 miles from the school.  After I hung up the phone I had to laugh at the thought of my dogs walking that far into town to go to the school.  Although one day I had taken the kids in and the bus still showed up and KC tried to get on the bus.  They know what time the bus comes to get the kids and what time it drops them off.  And boy do they know if it is late lol. 

On another note, we went to have family pictures done yesterday and took KC and Taz.  They didn't cooperate very well but when the pictures get edited I will try to post the ones with the corgis. 

That is all for now.  I just started a new job and kids are involved in a lot of activities so I have been slacking terribly on keeping up on here.  I will try to be better.  Love hearing everyone's stories about their corgis. 

And did everyone see the corgis on the Today Show Halloween episode today?  I was much more excited then my corgis were lol.


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Comment by Zigward & Kimberly on October 31, 2011 at 2:42pm

5 minutes and 51 seconds in is when they showed xD I was disappointed they didn't show more of them! They're so freaking adorable:D

Haha and really? The queen talking about royal boobs? No wonder everyone there goes nuts over the royal family and such! They're hilarious:D

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