I have an 11 week old Cardi boy. We got him at 8 weeks and he has grown so much in that short time. The only thing that hasn't changed at all are his potty habits. He has never pooped inside but he pees every chance he gets. It is not always a full on pee, but often just dribbles that occure while he's walking, while he's sitting or even while he's laying down (which results in a yellow belly we just can't seem to get clean). He knows to go potty outside because as soon as we set him down outside he will go, but for some reason he's not catching on that it's not also ok to go inside. I asked our vet about a possible UTI and he said it is not common in males and this is probably just something he will grow out of and if he doesn't we will have to look at other possible causes. Does this sound normal to anyone? I know potty training is not easy but I've never had a puppy that would pee laying down or even while I'm carrying him outside. Comming from a litter that was infected with Canine Herpes Virus, I was concerned about any possible damage that may have done but the vet said if it were due to neurological damage he would have an enlarged bladder and he didn't detect anything unusual. Thoughts anyone?

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Comment by Alice on January 26, 2009 at 8:51pm
That's how Finngan is. He knows to go outside but if he is playing and running around inside, he will start to dribble and sometimes go into the kitchen and full on pee. Once he has peed he will come running out of the kitchen and lay down and not want to play. That shows me that he nows it's wrong but for some reason does it anyway. He is having a lot fewer accident than he was when I first posted this blog so I know he'll catch on one of these days. Maybe he just hasn't figured out that he needs to tell us ifhe needs to go out. We'll just hold off on having the carpet cleaned for a few more months. :)
Comment by Maisy on January 26, 2009 at 12:45pm
My cardi is one of the very smartest dog's I've ever owned....and that's really saying something! But....she too was slow to gain control of her bladder. She was potty trained very fast....meaning she knew she should go outside...and yet she had frequent mistakes. I've been very succesful training all my dogs and have my own method that's all positive. For Maisy it was obvious her brain and bladder just weren't connected. She'd be playing, walking, etc., in the house and suddenly she'd squat and you could almost see the look of surprise on her face as she'd try to stop herself and run for the door.

Because it was so obvious that she wasn't in control and WAS trying she wouldn't get reprimanded just taken out fast and praised for finishing outside. She was almost a year old before she really stopped. She hasn't had an accident in many months now.

I really think this can be due to cardis (and maybe Pembrokes too) being slow to mature. But that may contribute to them having a longer life span. So it's okay with me. :-)
Comment by Alice on December 8, 2008 at 11:28am
Thank you all for your comments/advise. We will look into it more when we take him in for his next shot. His health is our top priority so we certainly wouldn't let it go if we didn't see any improvement. As I said, he doesn't pee in his crate but as he is moving around the house he will leave little drops of urine here and there. he hasn't gone while laying down in about a week so that part is improving. When we first got him, he wasn't using his hind legs much. While the breeder assured us that he would get the hang of it and it is something he has seen before (ocassionally there will be a Cardi that takes longer to gain coordination) we wanted to be sure considering the litter was exposed to Canine Herpes Virus (though they don't think he or his brother ever caught it). We had him looked at right away and the vet confirmed his good health and said the legs just needed strengthening. He now walks and runs 100 times better but I wonder if the lack of strength in the legs was why he would pee laying down. I'll keep you posted on anything I find out. :)
Comment by Amanda on December 7, 2008 at 12:44pm
Before we got Dax housebroken he would do pretty much the same thing. He wouldn't do it while he was laying down, which is kind of weird, I would definitely get a second opinion. Dax would walk around and just stop every now and then and just let out whatever was in him, even if it was just a few drops. I got to the point where I was just taking him out every 30 minutes when I was home, and eventually he got it. No more dribble. :) But if you do think it's something medical I would go ahead and get it checked by someone else. Just because something is uncommon in males, doesn't mean he couldn't be the exception. And remember, he's only 11 weeks, he doesn't have much control over his bladder at this point anyway. Good luck. It'll get better, I promise.
Comment by Kristen on December 6, 2008 at 11:47pm
I would certainly get another opinion. I have a Pem female that just had surgery for an ectopic ureter. The tube from one of the kidneys bypassed the bladder and she spilled urine constantly. She has had surgery to correct the ureter, but we are still experiencing dripping and may need to put her on medication. At this point, for Fern it is likely a sphincter that is weak. I don't know if the therapies are the same for males and females regarding incontinence. Does he wake up dry? There are many possible causes and waiting to see if he outgrows it doesn't seem prudent. It certainly doesn't seem like a potty training issue. Your little guy is adoreable. good luck with this.
Comment by Wendt Worth Corgi's on December 6, 2008 at 10:48pm
This is odd. I would first make sure there was no infection or bacterial issue. Rule out health issues first.
Comment by Carmen on December 6, 2008 at 7:12pm
He may just be having a hard time learning. If he isn't going in his crate, he may need to be taken out more often. Trunks was an every 45 minute dog. He would hold it while we were at work and at night, but when we were home, he was either out the door or peeing every 45 minutes.

I know it seems like a lot. Male dogs also do not empty their bladders completely the first time. Try to get him to go several times before you take him inside. Lots of treats and praise always helps!

That said, I am still worried about him peeing while laying down. Perhaps he doesn't realize he is going?
Comment by Andythomas412 on December 6, 2008 at 4:24pm
I have had Ceiro for not quite a week, and he is also able to hold it in the crate. [after the initial night anyway :) ]

He does have to pee A LOT! but he seems to be ok when Im picking him up. However he still doesn't get that its not ok to pee in the house.

I hope everything works out. I imagine he will grow out of it. He so cute btw.
Comment by Alice on December 6, 2008 at 12:41pm
Hopefully it turns out to be nothing. The breeder said he would take him back if there are any problems but I don't think we could part with him now. He sleeps in his crate at night and does not pee in there, nor does he wake up needing to go out so I know he must be able to hold it. We've only had him 3 weeks so I guess we'll just keep an eye on him for the time being.
Comment by Carmen on December 6, 2008 at 12:30pm
I would get another opinion. This does not seem normal. I don't know a whole lot about it. I will say though, Trunks took months to house break. Constant every 45 minute trips outside before he got it. When Trunks is nervous, he will pee when running inside or out leaving a lovely trail behind him.

The situation you are in does not seem normal. I hope you can get it worked out. Your Cardi boy is absolutely adorable!

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