But I have some interesting updates!

1) I moved out into an apartment with my boyfriend, Donny. Me, him and Winston are loving it in our new apartment neighborhood, where there seems to be a dog in almost every apartment! We have a French Bulldog neighbor named Chester, and there's plenty more dogs everywhere.

2) Winston went to the vet a month ago, and he weighed in at 37 pounds! I know! How did I let that happen?! Either way, Winston is getting some longer walks and I'm watching the amount of treats I give him. I think that the hot, humid, summer weather is making it harder for me to take him on long walks, so I'm trying to do so in the morning or at night. He seems to be losing a few pounds so far. His allergies aren't helping a whole lot either. He's chewed up the inside of his legs :\ He got a cortisone shot and some pills but they don't seem to help a whole lot :(

3) My boyfriend might be getting a dog of his own, except we are not sure what breed this is! It's a small puppy, we think maybe a beagle type mix but who knows..


There's a link to a picture, there's two puppies in the picture (still real young), so the puppies came out dark and very light... If anyone has any ideas let me know!

I hope all is well with you guys. <3

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Comment by Lauren + Winston on August 12, 2009 at 4:07pm
Yeah, I am so excited for Winston to have a playmate in a few weeks, he is definitely more active with another dog around. As for the puppy, it's a beagle/chihuahua mix (or a cheagle?!) They pretty much end up looking like small beagles. Of course I would want another corgi, but since it's not my dog it's not my decision, haha.
Comment by Geri & Sidney on August 11, 2009 at 12:11pm
Good to hear from you again Lauren! I was wondering where you had run off to. ;)
Comment by Lou Ann Lemaster on August 11, 2009 at 8:11am
Funny how that weigh creeps up on corgis! I know....Duncan crept up to 43 pounds! He is very big boned and long, but still that was way to much weight. We're working on that. I can tell he's lost some weight, and he'll go to the vet's next month for his heartworm check, ears cleaning and nails clipping. I'll know then.

Have you tried Children's Meltaway Benedry for his allergies? I give them to Duncan for his. Real easy to give, just pop into the mouth and hold their mouth shut for a minutes. The pills melt and they don't spit them out as easily.

As for the little puppies, the one looks like beagle, jack russel or fox terrier in it. Cute as buttons, and either one of those breeds will be a great playmate for your corgi. Help with the weight by playing so much with each other.
Comment by Cheryl and Bella on August 11, 2009 at 12:15am
Corgis sure love thier food! Have you tried the small carrots or green beans from a can? I put them in a covered bowl and give them as treats. They are almost calorie free and most corgis love them! Hope your pup is doing better with his allergies. Take care! Hugs ~ Bella
Comment by Avyon on August 10, 2009 at 6:48pm
My idea is cute... they are very cute puppies *nods* :) Hope that helps hahahaha!

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