Well Koby is growing up faster than I could imagine! He has lost all his front top and bottom teeth. He is looking really muscular and really doing well with the potty training! I am so happy with him. Each day as he grows older he is molding into the great dog he is going to be.
Be careful what you pray for because god answers those prayers!! I prayed that Koby would act like Riley and he is sooo much like him it is almost scary!! He chases bubbles, walks himself on the leash(carries it in his mouth as we walk) loves to chase bunnies and squirrels out of the yard, lives for food, loves playing with all his toys, doesn't understand fetch lol and many other similar things that Riley did! He even talks just like Riley did, of course not on command yet. Sometimes I accidentally call him Riley as well and he answers to it. He is related so maybe that explains it all lol. We were hoping for a sable pup but Koby is a red just like Riley so sometimes it's a little hard because he looks so similar but I am very thankful and he really does ease the pain of loosing my best friend.
The cats are doing great with him they still won't fully play with him, maybe they never will, but at least they tolerate him.
Kobys favorite thing to do is run! He loves running all around the back yard! I'm so glad we have a fenced in yard.
Does anyone have any ideas on how to teach your dog to "speak"? He isn't getting that trick.

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