I love cats, well most cats, most of the time. But this week my mom's evil young grey cat scratched my puppy in his eyeball. Now I have to cope with the 3 month old puppy possibly losing his eye, not to mention the super-fun vet bills for emergency work. So far everything is ok, but only time will tell if some complication comes up.

I am at a loss of what to do with the cats other than keep them separated from the dog. Its bad enough he wants to play with them and they want nothing to do with him, but the gray cat has taken it upon herself to engage the dog when he's not even paying attention to her. I will be sitting on the chair with the dog napping on my lap and the cat will come over and hiss, growl, and swat at me. Our older cat is pretty cool, so no complaints there.

Sigh... What to do with a mean cat. I'm covered in scratches from trying to keep it at bay.

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Comment by Gretchen, Gaelen, and Ein!! on March 1, 2009 at 9:19am
oh my! :( We had 5 older cats when we brought Ein home. we only had a couple of major issues, one of them being a nasty cut on his ear the first week.. as time has gone one, they have used the claws less and less and just 'bop' at him, and then yowl and hiss and growl.. of course Ein barks right back so i wonder if the thinks they are playing.. Even the 'bopping' and noise making have gone down in how often it happens, and now i really only have one cat who is causing an issue.. and he was the dominant pet in the house.. we're learning to just keep Ein and Loki apart whenever possible..
Comment by Geri & Sidney on March 1, 2009 at 2:03am
Oh, poor puppy! Our two rescue kitties came to us declawed, and now I'm glad. I hope his eye is OK!
Comment by Carmen on February 28, 2009 at 11:49pm
I am so sorry about your pup's injury! I hope that the eye heals and he doesn't lose it. My sister's cat used to attack Courtney, so I definitely understand!
Comment by Cindi on February 28, 2009 at 10:42pm
Yep, the kitties HATE the spray bottle. Also, you can put "soft claws" caps on the kittie claws and it will make them not as damaging.
Comment by Becky S on February 28, 2009 at 10:22pm
A spray bottle with water works really well to train / keep a kitty away. Ours learned boundaries very quickly, now she just sees it and knows not to go there!

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