I've been thinking lately of when I should get my Corgi girl, Lily, spayed. She is 12 weeks old now, but her vet has already tentatively scheduled her spay for late June. The vet said that she has to get spayed before she has her first heat cycle. I have read that it is good to do this to prevent breast cancer and other health complications. Also, I'm sure heat isn't pleasant to go through...

However, my breeder and family friends have given opposite advice. They say that I should let her go through her first heat cycle first. They say that spaying her after heat will avoid bladder/incontinence problems later in life. Has anyone else heard this or has any advice of their own? I really don't know what to do.

Also how much is reasonable to pay for a spay procedure? My vet charges $400...

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Comment by Jacki, Nutmeg & Cinnamon on April 21, 2009 at 12:42pm
I've decided to take Nutmeg in tomorrow. It will be about $350.00 I believe. I was going to do the humane society, but I'm too nervous. She is 7 months old, and has not had her first heat yet.
Comment by Ein Danger on April 21, 2009 at 12:10pm
our vet informed us that females should be spayed before their first heat and that males should be neutered once they lose all their puppy teeth and their testicles have descended. ein's supposed to be getting neutered real soon. he was scheduled for last thursday but had a tummy ache so we're holding off. his regular vet will be charging just under $300 for his procedure since he's less than 30lbs. this includes all blood work and post-surgery pain meds. we got another estimate from my sis' vet who spayed her mini-dachshund and quoted a price of $90 (including pain meds but i don't think it covers blood work).
Comment by Mariana on April 21, 2009 at 10:15am
Ah yes, the eternal debate. My best advice would be to seek reputable research on your own. It's hard to know who to listen to. I usually take my vet's advice by default, but that's not necessarily the best choice all the time. There's always a second opinion if you want one. It doesn't hurt to speak with another vet and really sit down with them, going through the options. Vets can sometimes be like doctors, rushing you in and out. But it's your vet's responsibility to inform and educate you. I would ask your vet if you can sit down with some research with him/her.
Comment by Corgibyassociation on April 21, 2009 at 8:44am
Heh, I'm going through the same issues. Except my loved one thinks I should wait until she's a year old. At any rate, my vet charges $100 for spay alone, vWD test $38, $48 for chip, $15 for pain meds after surgery, possible $38 for another anesthesia if the vet feels the standard is good for the pup. They also charge for any baby teeth removal at time of service--might as well since they are knocked out. l
Comment by Sam Tsang on April 21, 2009 at 8:24am
Here's a previous thread on spay prices
Comment by Sarah C. on April 21, 2009 at 8:08am
As for price, my vet also charges 400$. I'm looking for better prices for the one I'm planning on taking on.
Comment by DR, Nala & Simon on April 21, 2009 at 7:22am
I think between 4-6 months should be ok. My vet spayed mine at 6months before her first heat. Talk to other vets, look for info on the internet, library, etc. If there is a SPCA clinic close by, they do charge a lot less than most vets.
Comment by Sunni A. on April 21, 2009 at 3:04am
It's always in debate. Shelters have been safely spaying pups at all ages-8 weeks, 2 years- for decades. And you're right, the most current studies show that it there's less of a chance of mammary gland tumors forming, along with the idea that the more heats you allow her to go through, the higher the possibility of ovarian cancer. Though I've worried about it, too, the tract infection stuff and incontinence hasn't been conclusively linked to premature spaying, it depends on your dog, the breed, the diet, pelvic muscles, etc etc etc..

I wouldn't worry about doing it "too early" because of all this above information ^^^ and the fact that vets have been safely spaying 8 week old pups since the 80's. There are a lot of vets out there, in 2009, that medically support, but don't necessarily promote, early spaying, because it's faster, easier, less traumatizing, less blood.

My vet's charging $85 to spay females. I'm getting Eddy neutered for $65. This doesn't cover post-op pain killers.

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