Penny is at the vet right now getting spayed. :(
I felt so bad when they took her away. I won't get to pick her up until tomorrow morning because they insist on keeping them overnight to check on them. I miss my little girl already!
I felt really bad because she followed me around all morning saying "hey mom, I see you fed Faulks but ummm... you forgot me?!" "Hey Mom... where's my water at... I'm a little parched" "Hey Mom, no seriously I'm totally famished where is my breakfast... was I bad? I don't understand :pouts:"

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Comment by Boo Buchheit on July 31, 2009 at 5:51pm
Good for you Penny, you are a trooper. Spay and neuter are good for the most part and make better pets if you are not going to show or breed. Randy's day is Aug 25..I know he will be fine but we are gonna pray for him anyway.
Comment by JH on July 31, 2009 at 4:22pm
Glad to hear all went well with Penny.
Comment by Kelli & Penny on July 31, 2009 at 1:26pm
Marion, it's just like you described...
inner stitches, no Elizabethan collar...she's acting like nothing happened at all. I worried for nothing :)
Thanks for all the well wishes guys... Penny is home now and chewing on her favorite toy turtle... totally unfazed.
Comment by Boo Buchheit on July 31, 2009 at 10:55am
My vet insists they come in the night before to be sure they fast and to start the surgeries early am. The bad part of this, besides not having them home, is you leave them by 5pm and they don't let them out until the next morning I think at about 7 or is hard to hold your water for that long...more than 12 hours. Leo wet in the crate before they were there to let him out. I know when Randy goes in Leo is gonna have a fit. Randy will too probably as he is a mommas boy and it very attached to Leo. I can't wait until it is over with and we can settle in to our normal life.
Comment by Amanda on July 31, 2009 at 8:10am
Poor Penny. When I got Dax neutered, they insisted on keeping him overnight also. I dropped him off and they said "you can pick him up tomorrow from 8:30-11:00 or from 12:30-4:30." My response? "I'll be here at 8:25."

Penny will be fine, and will be sooo happy to see you in the morning. :) Not to mention get some food and water...
Comment by Angela on July 30, 2009 at 10:45pm
No worries, your little one is in great hands and will be in yours soon enough - best wishes for a happy recovery!
Comment by Marion and Vern on July 30, 2009 at 10:41pm
Penny warm and healing corgi thoughts from us and Samantha. Samantha went through this just a little over three weeks ago and they kept her over night as well. Being a good Mom I lied to her and told her she was going on an over night sleep over:) Our vet did the inside stitches so we didn't even have to take her back or anything. She must have believed it was a sleep over because when I picked her up the next morning she acted as if nothing had been done to her. We were able to go visit her the night of her surgery for an hour and took her favorite cookies. The incision wasn't even as long as my index finger, we had trouble keeping her from jumping around and wanting to play hard. She was on her pain pills until that Friday then didn't need them anymore. Teased our vet and told her she didn't need pain pills but tranquilizers would have been nice to slow her down! Sami was so good we didn't need to get one of those awful collars or anything. Best of luck, let us know how she does and how good a job your vet is going to do.
Comment by Melinda (Penny's Mom) on July 30, 2009 at 8:31pm
Oh my goodness...your Penny reminds me so much of my Penny! I don't know what I'll do when it comes time for spay if I have to leave her overnight. My daughter took her while we were camping and I cried when she drove away with her! I'm such a sap! We are wishing Penny well and hope for a quick recovery!
Comment by Nicola Porter on July 30, 2009 at 7:49pm
Had to look that word up Ann.
Comment by Nicole, Stanley and STELLA! on July 30, 2009 at 5:42pm
I hope Penny got through the surgery without any problems! I know how you feel. I just came back from the vet with Stella. She had her last round of shots today and I scheduled her surgery to get spayed. She's going in the Friday morning of labor day weekend, since I have Monday off. I'm already nervous about it! They are also going to fix her "belly button"-a little hernia she got when she was born.

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