Kelli & Penny's Blog (6)

Happy Holidays!

Faulks & Penny

Added by Kelli & Penny on December 22, 2009 at 1:12am — 9 Comments

spay time.

Penny is at the vet right now getting spayed. :(

I felt so bad when they took her away. I won't get to pick her up until tomorrow morning because they insist on keeping them overnight to check on them. I miss my little girl already!

I felt really bad because she followed me around all morning saying "hey mom, I see you fed Faulks but ummm... you forgot me?!" "Hey Mom... where's my water at... I'm a little parched" "Hey Mom, no seriously I'm totally famished where is my breakfast...… Continue

Added by Kelli & Penny on July 30, 2009 at 12:30pm — 19 Comments

rabies shot.

Penny got her rabies shot today. She weighs in at 15 pounds already! 5 weeks ago she weighed 11 so she's gaining quickly! She'll be 18 weeks on Thursday. She's still not so great at potty training...we'll get there!

Added by Kelli & Penny on June 1, 2009 at 2:22pm — No Comments

Picked a name...

Went with Penny!
Her Great Grandmother's (I think) show name is Summithill Lucy in the Sky,
So we went to Summithill Penny Lane for her AKC registry... Penny for short :)

Added by Kelli & Penny on April 16, 2009 at 2:59pm — 3 Comments

double the fun, double the headache!! :)

We picked up the new puppy on Saturday, at first it was pretty rough. Faulks was NOT happy about it and was constantly throwing her down and displaying a lot of dominant behavior. These last few days he's definitely warmed up to her and they play but also fight, it's play fighting and he's really just mouthing her. Poor girl is ALWAYS covered in slobber. Is this normal? I've only ever grown up in a one dog family and I'm worried that this isn't normal. I had told the breeder I really needed a… Continue

Added by Kelli & Penny on April 14, 2009 at 2:00pm — 3 Comments

Maybe getting another...

I'm going on Sunday to look at a female puppy, I won't be able to take her home for another 6 weeks if I decide to get her. It's really exciting, I hope Faulks takes to her :)

Does anyone else out there have multiples? What is your experience with them? I know that they should meet someplace that is more common ground so Faulks won't get territorial of his home...but does anyone have other advice to give?

I've enclosed a picture the breeder sent me of some of the puppies from… Continue

Added by Kelli & Penny on March 11, 2009 at 4:46pm — 2 Comments

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