A couple of years ago, I tried to teach Junebug how to walk on the treadmill. It wasn't ours, we don't own one, but I thought I'd take advantage of an opportunity. In short, she hated it, was afraid of it, and would no longer go to the basement where it was. We haven't approached one since.
This Christmas at Mom and Dad's, I thought I'd give it another try. I would use food, this time, and see if it helped. I had the chicken in hand, and just asked her to step on it. Each small approach I rewarded. In a matter of seconds she was on the treadmill, i rewarded, and then asked her to come off. I gave her a few practice mounts and dismounts, and she was looking pretty comfortable. Whenever I have chicken, her focus on it is SO intense, it's pretty easy to get what I want from her :)
So I decided to turn it on the lowest speed, a walking speed for her. At first she was really unsure, but I quickly put the chicken to her nose to pull her forward, and that snapped her out of the fear. She walked to that chicken and took a bite! I kept grabbing new bites for her, gave the frequently at first, and then backed off of them a bit, spreading out rewards to 1 every 10 secs. or so. I kept her first session very short, probably not much more than a minute. Then I gave her a small handful of chicken, and praised the living daylights out of her. Yay!! She did it! We tried it two more times that night, all went well. I'm so proud of her for taking on a new activity, and I'm happy that I was able to introduce it without being too pushy for her.
Elvis was not nearly so enthralled, and never stopped pulling once the treadmill started, so I'll keep working with him, taking smaller steps and more time. As we learn more things together, maybe I'll build a better working relationship with him, too. I think that will help. We'll get through obedience this month, and see where to go next. Yay!
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