Bonny's Blog (12)

Elvis and Junebug pass their beginner's obedience test!

Last night was test night for our beginner obedience class, and thankfully both dogs passed! They had to successfully complete the following:

Heeling with loose leash and minimal corrections

Sitting at the halt

sit stay for 1 min

down stay for 2 min

stand and stay for inspection

polite meet and greet

sit, stay, recall, and finish on command

About half of the dogs passed the test, and now we can go on to other classes! Junebug is going into… Continue

Added by Bonny on April 28, 2009 at 11:33am — 1 Comment

My Celebrity Corgis

Elvis and Junebug...perfect descriptions!…

What celebrity would your pet be? I'm Johnny Knoxville! Find out at

What celebrity would your pet be? I'm Jennifer Lopez! Find out at Continue

Added by Bonny on March 25, 2009 at 2:30pm — No Comments

Success at last on the treadmill!!

A couple of years ago, I tried to teach Junebug how to walk on the treadmill. It wasn't ours, we don't own one, but I thought I'd take advantage of an opportunity. In short, she hated it, was afraid of it, and would no longer go to the basement where it was. We haven't approached one since.

This Christmas at Mom and Dad's, I thought I'd give it another try. I would use food, this time, and see if it helped. I had the chicken in hand, and just asked her to step on it. Each small… Continue

Added by Bonny on January 5, 2009 at 2:53pm — 1 Comment

Corgis on Animal Planet's Dogs 101

On Saturday night, the AP miniseries "Dogs 101" profiled another group of breeds, and the PWC was one of them!

They did a good job of describing the history and notable characteristics of pems, and showed an array of cute corgi's. It was nice to see them get a minute of the spotlight!

Added by Bonny on October 27, 2008 at 4:45pm — 7 Comments

Barking bothering the neighbors--help!

Dh and I last week moved into a new apartment. The dogs seem to have adjusted well, for the most part, however Junebug is sensitive to noises outside, and gives an alert bark (1-2 barks) when she hears cars pull in, shutting doors, people talking outside, or other dogs barking. I have been working on desensitizing her to these noises but this can take a little time. I usually spend a few minutes with her right after work when I get home knocking on the door (which affects her the most) and… Continue

Added by Bonny on September 19, 2008 at 10:24am — 5 Comments

A pheasant-retrieving corgi?

So we had a great time up north visiting the family. Junebug and Elvis love going to the farm, where there are tons of things to do and places to go. They are natural farm dogs, going with you everywhere, and happy to come in and nap when the work is done.

My parents have three dogs, one of them a hefty black lab (Bug--yeah, I know it's wierd to have two!) that is either very poorly socialized or just plain slow of mind. Mom plans to visit during pheasant hunting season, and was all… Continue

Added by Bonny on September 8, 2008 at 3:36pm — No Comments

Corgis at the MN State Fair

Hub and I drove to Minneapolis to attend the state fair (the BEST in the US, in my humble opinion :)). We had a great time eating fried food, watching the raptor show, and seeing all the other cool things there. We made it to the pet center, where there was a variety of dog breeds on display. Sure enough, there were corgis among the 10 breeds represented--an older adult and a 6 mo old puppy. They were real crowd-pleasers, soaking up each and every pet that came their way! Behind them on the… Continue

Added by Bonny on August 22, 2008 at 11:53pm — 1 Comment

Elvis has joined the family

It's been over a week now since we got Elvis. Actually he was going to be Eli, but he just has too much attitude for that name. At almost 9 weeks, he's doing very well, getting around much better, ears are nearly up, and he's quickly learning where to potty. He even understands "no" now, which is especially helpful when he's about to do something naughty across the room from me. What a guy he is!

We took him up north this past weekend to my parents, and he rode up there in the crate… Continue

Added by Bonny on July 1, 2008 at 1:07pm — 1 Comment

The new guy in town.

Added by Bonny on June 11, 2008 at 12:14pm — 9 Comments

He said the second dog!

I'm so thrilled, my hubby finally agreed to go ahead with getting a second corgi! I know he has his reservations, but I'm glad he conceded. Honestly, I tried not to push too hard :) I have a breeder picked out and hope to see the puppies next weekend. Yipee!! Wanting something for over a year is hard for a person like me. Hehe! So the excitement begins, and I'm so happy! Who's got a name nomination?!?!

Added by Bonny on May 16, 2008 at 6:04pm — 9 Comments

Experiences adding 2nd corgi??

Hi everyone,

I was hoping to get some anecdotal advice on adding a second corgi. I've been wanting one for months now, and have been waiting for the right time (seriously, is there one?!?!). Anyway, if you've got two dogs, how did the transition from one to two go? Any suggestions?

I expect things to be pretty easy, since Junebug (2 yo F) is good with other dogs and I work hard to keep everyone behaving well! Do you think getting a male or female would make much… Continue

Added by Bonny on April 11, 2008 at 12:40pm — 6 Comments

Someone got into the chocolate!!

I must be a neglectful owner...I forgot a bag of Ghiradelli dark chocolate singles on the floor the other night, and came home from work the next day to find the bag empty and a torn-open wrapper nearby! Thankfully, there was only one square left, and Junebug seemed to be fine, if only a little more hyper than usual. I don't know what effect caffine has on dogs, but I swear she was on super-charge mode all night long. I'll be careful not to leave goodies around anymore!

Added by Bonny on December 5, 2007 at 4:44pm — 9 Comments

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