Hi everyone,

I was hoping to get some anecdotal advice on adding a second corgi. I've been wanting one for months now, and have been waiting for the right time (seriously, is there one?!?!). Anyway, if you've got two dogs, how did the transition from one to two go? Any suggestions?

I expect things to be pretty easy, since Junebug (2 yo F) is good with other dogs and I work hard to keep everyone behaving well! Do you think getting a male or female would make much difference? Thanks, and wish me luck!

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Comment by Bonny on April 12, 2008 at 1:39pm
Thanks for the great stories and advice! We have just moved, so the timing doesn't seem to be ideal, though there is an adorable male pup ready for a home just a few miles up the road. Every day I ask my husband the same question: "can we go look at the puppy?". Poor guy!
Comment by Sam on April 11, 2008 at 6:11pm
Typically the male/female combo works the best. Two females have to be managed quite a bit more. The boys usually know that the girls are boss pretty quickly. Having them spayed/neutered is always the best option. Adults are sometimes not too enthused with a new pup entering the home but this is normal. They find nosey pups to be quite a pest. As they grow a bit they usually form a pretty good bond. As for the comment "dogs cant hate each other forever" well indeed they can. Many a rescue comes our way because of constant fights within the home.
Comment by Lauren on April 11, 2008 at 3:30pm
We had a female corgi (jenta) and at age 5 (i think) we got malcolm (male cardigan). They were fine. they loved to play and have fun. Sadly Jenta died at age 8 from cancer so when Malcolm turn 8 we got him a little crazy ball of female pembroke fur (Megan). He wasnt too happy at first because she was a rolling ball of fur but he got over it and they would wrestle out in the back yard for hours or come inside and play tug. However when Malcolm got old Megan fought him for dominance and they seemed to always be fighting. When Malcolm died at age 16 Megan was confused she was upset and restless, woundering were he went and why she didnt have anyone to pick on. Then after 4 years we all of a sudden ended up with 2 four month old pembroke pups (Abby--Female,Trevor--Male) and Abby imediatly showed her dominance and trevor showed his love and herding skills. it took megan 4 months but i think she finally is over the pups. she never showed agression just an ocasional growl to show she was annoyed but nothing serious.

After introducing Megan to multiple dogs either while I am pet sitting around the neighbor hood or going for a walk on the canal i have noticed she gets allong much better with male dogs. i do not know why, possibly because she grew up around a male dog or maybe it is a dominance issue but she has never gotten along well with female dogs.

But whatever you chose i think your dog will grow to love him/her. They cant hate each other forever :) sorry for writing a novel...hope some of this helped
Comment by Patti on April 11, 2008 at 2:39pm
Bonny - I added a female to my male - similar to Kristen. Kai, my male, adored Luna from the start. Luna, even at all her little puppy weight has been the boss since she got here, and Kai's cool with that. The breeder recommended we introduce them on neutral territory, so we did it in a park, let them play and then walked home. After a few days, when Kai realized Luna wasn't leaving, he was a bit out of sorts, but got over it. The dogs are completely inseparable, twice the laughs, and if at all possible 4 times the fur....
Comment by Kristen on April 11, 2008 at 1:49pm
I too have added Corgis, First time I had a male added a female. Very easy transition, but we did have our bouts of aggression. Somewhat unavoidable with the breed, but very manageable. Then when Basil passed away we added a female with our existing female, not the same ease, but we we haven't had bad aggression issues and they do get along. Lizzie is fixed--the young girl, Fergie is not. We just added a male puppy and the young female adores him our older female is growly, but not mean towards him. She is just a bit of a curmudgeon--which really is her personality. In my experience I think Male/female is easiest and best if they are both altered. I think the key to a good transistion is making sure that you spend alone time with each of them and monitoring their behavior when they are together so you can head off any early issues. good luck. So much fun having multiple corgis--you won't be bored and you will laugh twice as much!
Comment by Vicki Peters on April 11, 2008 at 12:46pm
Been there, done it. It was apparent that the alpha female was a problem (two females) however, the girls were having pups at the same time and this may have caused some of the fighting. They became very vicious with one another. I currently have a mother and daughter without too much problem. My suggestion would be a male and female. That's my two cents.

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